[MoMC] A Must Have Script for all Indians!

Day 1,418, 18:24 Published in India India by DonMogul

Today my brothers and sisters I would like to tell you about a script written for eRepublik that makes life a lot easier.

This script is called eRepublik Advanced and gives you a wide range of features including:
-Company management tools
-Market tools
-Top Newspaper Articles on home page
-Storage details on home page
-Inventory improvements etc

Firstly you will need the Mozilla Firefox browser which you can get from here:


Next you will need to obtain the funnily named Greasemonkey:


Finally the script which can be downloaded at:


Of course me being a journalist I love having the top 5 articles appearing on my homepage woooo!

Here are some screenies of the script in action:

Enjoy the script my brothers and sisters! I have!