[MoFA] Venezuela | AS on Sweden

Day 3,851, 08:32 Published in Ireland Hungary by aimeisan

Dear Citizens of eIreland,

In my last article as MoFA I would like to write about the recent Venezuelan AS on Sweden.

The background

The idea of a Venezuelan airstrike was conceived in the first CP term of LuisaElena. The intention was to improve Venezuela's position in the eWorld, and to help Venezuela's allies in their war against Pacifica, while maintaining the TW with Portugal.

Sweden as a target

Three months ago Venezuela and Uruguay already had a campaign against Sweden, after Sweden has taken a troll stance against Uruguay by accepting numerous embargo laws against the country. This attack was the beginning of the present anti-Asteria campaign series against Pacifica, followed by the Croatian-Egyptian-Irish attack against USA.

The previous airstrike: Venezuela and Uruguay in Sweden

Both Venezuela and Uruguay landed succesfully in Sweden, and dealt an unexpected amount of damage. Finally they were removed with huge amount of COs by Poland and Sweden, but the experience of the campaign has led to a shift in Venezuela's attitude from a defensive position (resistance wars against Portugal and Slovenia) to taking a more offensive, leading role. (Venezuela now has a TW agreement with Portugal and a region rental agreement with Slovenia.) Sweden was once again selected as a target due to their ambiguous foreign policy and their commitment to the foreign policy of the Pacifica alliance.

Venezuela now

The airstrike

On day 3845, in the afternoon in South America (night in Europe) Venezuela launched its airstrike on the Swedish region Gotaland. With great help from allies (D4 epic in the first round) Venezuela succesfully landed. Venezuela continued to take Swedish regions up to the north, while Latvia sent NE law against Venezuela. This was followed by an AS law from Croatia against Latvia, which made Latvia reject its NE. Venezuela wiped Sweden, but then Poland sent NE against Venezuela and attacked them. By now Venezuela has lost Scania and Gotaland to Poland.

Sweden wiped

Nevertheless Venezuela has achieved its objective to present itself as a nation that is ready to take a leading military role, to provide help to allies where they need it, and to provide more balance to the game. Congratulations to them to their successful campaign!

Also I would like to say thank you to everyone who participated in the elections, congratulations to Ante The Animal to the elections victory and I wish success to the next Irish government!

Thank you for reading

MoFA of eIreland