[MoFA] Ambassador Recruitment!

Day 658, 21:51 Published in South Africa South Africa by Oceanus

eSouth Africans!
Thank you Steven for appointing me MoFA. I'm looking to quickly get things back to where I had them before the invasion. As many of you know I was MoFA from (April?) to late July when I became inactive due to RL. I prefer a more active approach to ambassadorial work. And prospective ambassadors need to read the entire article below. This isn't exactly like the standard ambassador programs that I see most countries using.


There are NO requirements for being an ambassador. No player who is genuinely interested in being an ambassador, and active, will be disregarded.
Being an ambassador isn't about experience, its about social skill and devotion. Experience does, however, prove trustworthiness and a higher understanding of game mechanics, which I won't forget when making the choice of who to put in high profile positions. I encourage everyone interested to apply.

General Objectives
My ambassadors will not get away with simply finding their eCountry's forum and making a thread saying "South African Embassy" and writing "Hey" and then leaving it.
Ambassadors from eSouth Africa should.

1. Bring our community, and the target nation's community closer together.
-You should be active on their forum, read their news and comment every now and then, know a bit of their history to be able to understand them, and create connections and friends. Don't be afraid to private message people with a friendly introduction. This is how friends on eRep are often made.

2. Find beneficial deals/diplomatic ties that eSouth Africa can involve itself in.
-Actually finding official ties that eSouth Africa can engage in is rare. Your job is simply to spot opportunities when they arise and report back to me. I will then talk about it with president Bosch.

Your main priority should be building relationships, and leaving a lasting positive impression in the minds of foreign eCitizens whenever they think of South Africa. You shouldn't be superficially friendly, but you should get to know their population and make your positive presence know. You should also be gathering together a general sense of your target nation's mood towards us and others. If you are called upon for information from me or Steven Bosch you should be able to tell us about your target nation. Not just from what you might be able to find out from the wiki, but the more intimate understanding that comes from interacting with a broad range of their population.

Apply to the Ambassador Corp today! Send your applications to Oceanus!
At long last, heres how to actually do it.
Fill this out and send it to me to be considered for an ambassadorial position 🙂

eRepublik Age:
Previous Ambassador Posts Hel😛
Foreign Language Abilities:
Country Assignment Preference:
List Other Experience I Should Know (keep it short):
In your own words,
Explain to me your main objectives as an ambassador from eSouth Africa:


Q & A:
Here I'll answer any questions you have and update the article to keep them as a reference.

This is one I hear a lot.
1.Q: Do I have to live in the target country I'm assigned to?
A: No you don't. You can be an ambassador from right here at home in eSA.
By using the news button under the Community tab to access foreign news, there is no need to actually live in your target country.

2. Q. Deniz: Oceanus, can you please list the main foreign political targets for your term. Thanks
A: I'm looking to maintain strong ties with old allies such as Spain, USA, Canada, and Poland, however, I want to branch out to new countries under the PEACE sphere. We have a lot of new RL American immigrants and new highschool level Spanish speakers for me to ship off to South America. I also want to see closer ties with fellow members of SOL, we seem a bit disconnected.


Think of all the exciting opportunities to be involved in South African government and to meet people from around the eWorld! Apply to the ambassador corp!

*Returning ambassadors need to check in and re apply for their positions using the above form, you will most likely get your job back, but until you do this you are not a South African Ambassador.*
