[MoF] Organizations for rent

Day 2,274, 13:50 Published in Japan Bulgaria by Sensha

Hello, everyone.
This is the official notice of organizations, available for rent.
This topic is published in eJapan, and I have asked our MoFA to expand the audience by speaking with other MoFAs so that they could publish an article to notify people of our proposal. Also, a small notice for whoever decided to read my previous articles: I have decided to increase the rent I require, as for the fund be of actual help to our country.

Here is the full information:

Number of organizations, available for rental: 6.
JIA Ichikawa Rentai
JINS Konohazuku
IJAF Hayate Kogekitai
JINS Mikasa
Battleship Force
Kogen force

Price: 30 JPY/day

Rental rules:
1. The eJapanese government will lend an organization for a specific period of time, agreed upon by both sides.
1.1 The end date shall be no later than the next Country President election - meaning, 5th of the current or next month.
1.2 The eJapanese government has the right to terminate the rental prematurely. 1.3 If a rental is terminated, the lessee will be notified and will have 24 hours to take their holdings from the organization.
1.4 Anything left in the organizations at the end of the rental will be considered national property.

2. The access information will be set by the eJapanese government. It will be known to the lessee and the eJapanese government.
2.1 The lessee is free to give this access information to other people of his choice and let them use the organization as well.
2.2 The eJapanese government is not responsible for any actions, done by the lessee or other people with access to the organization.
2.3 All people with access to the organizations will be added to the Manager list of the organization. That will include representatives of the eJapanese government.
2.4 Access information will not be changed by the lessee or any other, except for the eJapanese government. Doing so would end the rental prematurely.

3. All uses of the organization shall be documented in a report by the lessee. #1
3.1 The report shall be updated every 3 days.
3.2 The report shall include how the organization was used for the 3 day period and what are the current holdings in it.

4. The rent will be paid every day( or every 2 days) to a person, specified by the eJapanese government.

5. The rental is subject to the eJapanese law for organizations rental

6. Any people that wish to rent a national organization shall send a message to the eJapanese MoF ( Currently me, Sensha)
6.1 The message shall contain what is required of them: if any people other than the lessee will have access, how long the rental will be, etc.

#1: This is done for both our sakes. In case the organization gets banned, such information will be used to help petition the ban, thus retrieving the holdings and the organization itself.

I think this covers it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask here in the comments or by messaging me.

Current MoF of eJapan,