[MoD] Day 1989-1990 Battle Orders

Day 1,989, 00:07 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Dep. of Defence

Please fight in the battle with the lowest wall. To open battle click on the image. If the image and link is not the same, please refresh by ctrl+f5!

To get 10 Q7 tanks you have to:
1. have Swiss citizenship
2. defeat 25 enemies in one of the battles set as orders by MoD
3. make screenshot from battle statistics with the day of eRepublik (like that http://prntscr.com/oq0c6 )
4. comment article with orders with link to your screenshot (You can use for example http://imgur.com/)
5. vote this article
6. wait for tanks

Swiss MoD
dyplomata z krakowa,
Swiss vMoD