[MDP] Rylde Interviews Jacobi

Day 1,224, 18:14 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

Well for my opening interview series I'll be talking and interogating I mean interviewing the president that just won't go the F*** away Jacobi.

Rylde- So are u nervous about the direction this interview might take

Jacobi- Not at all. I'm pretty adept at giving interviews

Rylde- If you had one thing to say to Fram what would it be and is his political career dead now.?

Jacobi- His political career is completely dead and if I really had one question to ask him, it would be: how exactly did you log in to Code-Y's forum account on march 4?

Rylde- would u trust Code-Y not to hurt himself with a fork with a cork on the end of it

Jacobi- Code-Y is a lot more clever than people give him credit for. I was talking to neoice about Code-Y the other day and i was talking about how he only seemed to come into the Canadian scene after 1ronman left and I wondered, offhandidly, if they might be the same person.

Neoice says one thing to me: "No, Code-Y knows what he's doing." He said Termz, but same thing.

Rylde So what was your reason for leavng MDP

Jacobi- I thought there was a possibility that you might implode like a neutron star after the neoice bribery deal. I wanted to get out of the blast radius.

Rylde- whats wrong with a little bribery did u find out my reasons behind the offer i think i had some justification.

Jacobi Yeah, I think you mistook CSIS for an active, relevant organization though.

Rylde- Touche. Almost kinda how i misjudged Fram and MG

Jacobi- its the problem with the internet. Its way too easy to give people too much credit and too little.

Rylde- do you give me to much credit

Jacobi- I don't know if you caught this a couple days ago but I really miss the Rylde of the TCO leadership era. It's kinda why I'm excited over the idea of bringing you on board to defence. I know that you're capable of organizational badassery.

Rylde- So i heard u were hackin on MDP a few days ago on CAF IRC what the hells that about ya douchebag.?

Jacobi- I said "I am concerned about the MDP". I said it because Fram was MDP, MG was MDP, Venoms who accused me of stealing was MDP. I didn't realize that MG had gone to try to recruit you guys to his side. Once Muglack saw the evidence, it was a complete 180.

Rylde- so whats your thoughts on Janos Leinport and DAL and my theory its a planned destruction by MOO

Jacobi- Is Addy involved? I heard something about that but I don't have any evidence. I've wanted to stay out of that mess as long as possible.

Rylde- evidence doesn't mean u can't have an opinion or is this a no comment scenario?

Jacobi- I mean, I have a history with Scorp and Dominik, but there was something that didn't ring quite true about it. I just don't know if Addy is involved or not. I've tried to avoid looking into this since its been happening the same time as the theft. Seemed like small peanuts to me.

Rylde- Would u ever consider giving Dom a pardon for forum use if he promised to play nice and be a good robot

Jacobi- Apparently pardons work in a ridiculously convulted way now under the Kilgore constitution. I can only pardon someone once they've been charged but before the trial. For what Dom did, and I did look at his posts. I'm very surprised this is continuing as long as it is.

Rylde- So how many Banana's does the Monkey admin have shoved up his A**

Jacobi- I thought it was hilarious when the admin told me that the mg theft was my government having a "dispute" with Kronos' government. I don't think he's really paying attention to it all that much. The administration team, most of them do it as a part time job. I would suspect that some of them are less apprised of the situation than I am

Rylde- If you ever stop gettin re-elected would u vote for Rylde for CP or am I just to much of a gamble
Jacobi- you're not a gamble, it depends on the situation, but I could see myself voting for you. Your motivation would be the only thing I'd judge your candidacy on.

Rylde- Do you trust Addy and how far can you throw him

Jacobi- I don't know how far I can throw him. I've always thought of him as a thin man, so maybe a fair bit. Addy Lawrence stole Ministry of Information from me in December 2009, but then he gave it back. I don't know...... I don't trust him the way I trust Etemananki.He has a lulzy undercurrent to him that comes out from time to time, but its not very malicious.

Rylde-I also would have accepted throw him under the bus.

Rylde- If I was someone's multi who would u guess I was
Jacobi- TFD's

Rylde If you could remove 5 citizenships from citizens who would they be

Jacobi- Hard question. Most of my enemies are dead. I'd like to see the reaction if I got rid of the citizenships of the party leaders 😛.Top 5, all switched on the same day or maybe the top 5 candidates for the Hungarian CP on a 6th of the month. That'd be pretty hilarious.

Rylde- Who would win a drinking contest me or Tem and would it be intresting to watch?

Jacobi- Tem would get drunk faster. But he can drink a lot and still stay standing. It'd be a hard contest. Its a good match to have at the next meet 😛

Rylde what do u think MDP would do with a 51% majority in congress as a dictatorship?

Jacobi- Any party with a 51% majority can do some ridiculous things. Clear out the treasury for one

Rylde What will CAF HC say when they find out I could possibly be heading up there reform.

Jacobi- Well there opinion makes or breaks any reform. The hope of course is that they are open minded enough to positive change to work with you
It isn't reform meant to limit CAF power, or budget, or anything really. And if you followed your Commander concept for the SPP enlargement, frankly it would increase their relative power. They wouldn't be against it because it threatened them, that's for sure.

Rylde- so do you play poker?

Jacobi- Not very often. I'm not good at it.

Rylde can I bribe you for Dominiks freedom on the forum to fight in his corner.? If so how much? MDP can pool together a fair offer

Jacobi- Pass 😛

Rylde- I knew I could make you no comment. Good interview my a**

Jacobi- 😛

Rylde- Last question is one line of advice for each of the top 5 parties moving forward.

Jacobi- CPP: Try to recruit a few old timers to balance the new guard of the party.
DAL: Get your party back period.
MDP: Try to keep the lulz in check
MOO: There's only so much "captains of industry" people without 12 companies can stomach.
EPIC: Solid competence but there needs to be something bold from time to time.

Rylde- Good s***. Mine would have been more colorful but I like it. Guess thats why ur the CP and I'm just that mean guy people tell to F off from time to time.