[M25] Time to work together for better ePakistan

Day 2,223, 01:07 Published in Pakistan Brazil by GEN. ALADEEN


My name is Mehmood25 and I am a neutral person in ePakistan. I'll be running for the Country President in the glorious nation of Pakistan. I love my nation and it's people. I'll do best for it and for it's future. I will work hard to get all the parties together to achieve our goals which is that we should become strong on both sides (Attack/Defend). If we will work together then we will have a lot of time to work for our country instead of internal fighting. So, my term will be an amazing term in the history of Pakistan. InshAllah, we will be able to face our enemies like a lion.

Our MoFA will work to build strong relationship with our allies, so they would help us in fighting against our enemies and I'll work along with my MoFA on some secret plans to have a lot of support from foreigner military units in important battles. Our MoD will work to check our military units strength to see much they can do for the country. The main aim of my term is to have our internal problem solved because that's how we'll be up for the better future of Pakistan and if we'll be internally weak, then it would be hard to fight the battles against our real enemies.

The following below positions will be active when i'll become the Country President of Pakistan.

Prime Minister:
Requirements to become Prime Minister :-
- Should be an active citizen of ePakistan.
- Should have a great knowledge about the history of Pakistan.
- Should have a clean record.
- Should be neutral.

Minister of Defense:
Requirements to become MoD :-
- Should be an active citizen of ePakistan.
- Should have the knowledge to handle military type work.
- Should have the knowledge that how to manage the damage of Pakistan or Foreigner MUs.

Minister of Foreign Affairs:
Requirements to become MoFA :-
- Should be an active citizen of ePakistan.
- Should have a lot of PR (Personal Relationship) with other countries or their important professionals.
- Should have the knowledge that how to manage the foreign policies.

Minister of Education:
Requirements to become MoEd :-
- Should be an active citizen of ePakistan.
- Should be neutral.
- Should have good knowledge about eRepublik to teach the new players.

Minister of Economy:
Requirements to become MoE :-
- Should be an active citizen of ePakistan.
- Should have the knowledge on how to handle the economy of the country.
- Should be trustworthy.
- Should have a clean record.

Minister of Internal Affairs:
Requirements to become MoIA :-
- Should be an active citizen of ePakistan.
- Should have good terms with all the parties.
- Should have the knowledge about all parties.
- Should have the skills to handle/manage any fights between the parties.

Director of ATO - (Anti-Take-Over):
Requirements to become DATO :-
- Should be an active citizen of ePakistan.
- Should be trustworthy.
- Should have the brilliant skills to manage/handle any threat to Pakistan.
- Should know the responsibilities of DATO.

Presidential Candidate