[IBhoy] Update #3, EDEN, Supporting Allies and Yddub-gate

Day 1,609, 15:16 Published in Ireland Canada by irishbhoy1967

Hello again Ireland, just a quick update on how things have been going so far.


Ireland has re-affirmed our commitment to EDEN this week in the referendum on our status there. Hopefully this clears up where our allegiances lie. A lot had been made of Ireland's stance on the problems in EDEN for the past number of months and we came in for a lot of unfair criticism from some quarters in EDEN. Ireland will continue to support ideals of real brotherhood in EDEN. The sad part of this result however is that we will no longer be able to keep our MPP with our friends in Bulgaria.

UK Peace
So far our Peace with UK has been upheld on both sides. Some Resistance Wars have been opened in Scotland and Northern Ireland by medal hunters but very few UK players contest these and in fact on a couple of occasions eUKers have come to fight on our side to help honour the deal. This has meant that we can hold these regions(and the extra bonus they bring) at our ease and focus on helping our friends in Europe who are desperately in need of it at the moment. We may be opening a war with UK sometime before the end of this term to honour our side of the agreement to give UK a fruit bonus, but the focus will still be on our allies battles and we will not be contesting battles against the UK when the time comes.

Being a good ally
For over a week now Ireland has been hitting for our allies. So far almost 5,000 Tanks have been given out by the state to Irish Citizens to fight in the priority battles for EDEN. Our Campaign of the Day and the Daily Orders for the majority of our Military Units have been set in line with EDEN priority battles. We've had some hard fought victories and some crushing defeats and our allies remain under a lot pressure. There should be no question about our commitment to our allies and if every country in EDEN does the same as we have been doing this week then we(EDEN) can win more battles than we are at the moment. Now that the massive dominance EDEN had enjoyed in previous months has disappeared, superior organisation and closer co-operation is the only thing that can turn the tide, or at least hold it back. Ireland won our allies in the first place by giving our all for them when they needed it. For the past year we had been in a tough war with UK which drained a lot of damage on EDEN. We may never have gotten our country back if it had not been for our allies. Peace with UK allows us to pay back our friends for all they have given us.

We've re-signed our MPPs with India, Cyprus, France, USA, Portugal, Singapore, Australia and the Philippines. We will also be getting back our MPP with Greece soon.

To Bulgaria

As Irish President I would like to thank Bulgaria for the year and a half they have given to the EDEN alliance and for their support in that time. I'd like to thank their players for the respectful manner in which they accepted the outcome of our referendum. It is sad that we have to part like this. But at the end of the day this is a silly game and the only thing that matters is friendship. I'm proud to call Bulgaria a friend of Ireland, no matter what happens in the future. The Spring of 2012 has seen a deep respect for each other develop and this is something that will not be forgotten, no matter what side we click silly "Fight" buttons for. So to all of Bulgaria, thank you for everything and farewell friends. Until our path cross again you will have the respect of Ireland. I think that's all that really matters here in this stupid game anyway.


We enquired about expanding our region resources with a couple of countries. At this moment it seems unlikely that either country is currently in a position to make a deal with us. Things may change sometime in the future though. For now however, our allies need us. Having to pour damage and funds into defending multiple colonies while our allies are hurting so badly would just not seem right and we can always take another look at it again if the situation changes.

Reminder to Irish Citizens for Free Tanks Daily
Irish Citizens can get ALL the tanks they can use, all day, every day. All you need to do is-

1- Join #IrishArmy
2- Check the Orders on the channel or Campaign of the Day
3- Fill out this form
4- Use your weapons to Fight where one of the Commanding officers asks
5- Be a Citizen of Ireland, or a known member of the wider e-Irish Community

Strains on Irish-Indian relations
Reports have been coming in that Irish legend Yddub Emwolb has become an Indian. Other reports suggest he has actually been kidnapped by the Indians. We are insisting on his immediate release or it will be treated as an act of war against Ireland and I'll be issuing orders to all Irish Units for an all out attack on those damn Apaches.

Yddub after one too many tokes on the Peace-Pipe. He's obviously being held against his will ;-;

That's it for now. I'd like to say thanks to my cabinet and to everyone else putting in their time everyday for the cause of e-Ireland and her allies.


EDIT: This article needs moar Greeling. He is awesome.