[IAI] - Indo Attack and Something For New Players

Day 1,154, 21:19 Published in India India by Internal Affairs India
This is official (or unofficial i dont know anymore) newspaper of Ministry of Internal Affairs

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Good morning People

Finally Indonesia has attacked tamilnadu.


Well, it sure does look like hard times. And you might have seen many ignorant articles about giving hell to indos. But fear not. Indos are not here for us. They want to get to china and they did ask us for help. But how could we help them against China just after China has helped us in our hard times (read, pak invasion and wipe-off). So we refused and they would now have to go through us in order to reach China.

Whatever, the point is, a war at home front is exactly what we need. We need something to keep us in check. Also a war means consumption which increases production and salaries and hence revenue. But do understand that this war should not give rise to any bad mouthing. Keep it cool. Fight and upgrade your citizens and also help the nation.

Now something of utmost importance to new players. Hope you have all seen inside of a battlefield.


There is a big red button in bottom middle labeled ‘FIGHT’. Each click on that button costs you 10 health which can be recovered by 5q1 food which amounts to like 5INR. And also your rank points get added only when your opponent is defeated. That might mean one, two or three hits (not more than that unless your strength is very low and your opponent has a big big tank). So check your health and check your damage (that is how much health your opponent will lose in one hit) and see if you can manage to kill him, because guys, do not start what you cant finish.

I know it sounds like a difficult task. Calculating your money and health you can get from it and damage you can do etc etc. but it is necessary. We don’t want you to end up with 11 health and no money to regain(but if you already are in a situation like this then PM me and we’ll get to you as soon as we can). Just don’t start what you cant finish. Also maintain distance from that wellness packs. They are of 0.5g which means 10 health for 30INR 😃. Use your food fights. Never do more than that.

Follow IAF orders. Everyone else is unauthorized.


That’s all for now. If you guys can wait upto day change, I’ll also give you more details about other things. I am just taking it slow.

Signing off



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2. DO NOT DO THIS! (A list of mistakes new players usually make!

3. Every citizen is a soldier in the army. Get your orders here.

4. Tell us more about yourself.

5. Read up on eIndian history

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