[IA] My memories of an Awesome Political Party

Day 1,192, 13:26 Published in South Africa South Africa by OKayOK

I have been playing this game for a long time. Soon after landing on the boarder of eSouth Africa from Indonesian Occupied KZN, I joined up with the Black Lion Front. The BLF were a great bunch of players. I often think of them as the for-runners to the Independent Alternative. Events happened (Brazilian / Indo PTO) and we all ended up in exile. Mainly in Romania, Canada and the US. I was stationed in the US, running a company supplying Iron, which made weapons to fight off Russians from eUS soil.

The resistance was run under the banner of the South African Independence League (SAIL). I was a member of the said resistance and reported to our extremely sexy resistance leader, the one and only Ms Ines Schumacher. eSA eventually negotiated with Brazil to get land back. Ines refuses to speak about what she had to do for Jazar to get the regions back (Thanks for taking one for the team).

Around this time, we were going to run a PTO safe election. With the amount of regions we had in our control, we could only put forward 10 congressmen. Government controlled who would be part of the congressional team, the so called Golden 10, who I had the pleasure of being part of. The cries of elitism sounded to the top of the hills even though the congressman placed directly represented the Political demography of the nation. Till this day the word “Elite” can still be heard (Get a life people).

Anyway, eSA put forward only 10 congressmen for 10 seats. It was an easily defended election, although 1 seat was lost to Ajay Bruno, a neo-Nazi, pro-apartheid fool and general hater.

It was around this time that Emerick (May you burn!) made a deal with the PEACE GC forces to purchase back regions lost through war. Many eMericans we understandable annoyed at this man’s cowardness and decided to leave the country that they had fought so hard to defend. With the Citizen module just implemented, the most obvious choice of a country to go to was eSA. We had not had a congress yet since the PTO, so citizenship was automatic.

The whole fabric of this country had a major facelift. eSA was a very locally centric nation before, but now we were entering the world stage. We were on the verge of greatness!

Around this time, a new party was born, a party that exists even to this day. The Independent Alternative came with a no BS, no nonsense approach that fast moved the party up from the countries smallest to the second largest under the Gold Party. I was not part of this party as I had decided to explore my political legs as a founding member of the Liberal Party of South Africa. I was however on very good terms with the IA as I felt that it was a new, improved version of the BLF.

After running for my first term as CP under the banner of SAL, and with the support of the IA, I decided to run my second term under the IA banner and make the party my new Home.

I was welcomed with open arms!

With the party’s vast experience in leadership, boasting congressman, and several high-end Presidents, this is truly a party that was born to take the country by storm; this is truly a party that every other party should strive to be like.

Someone says: This president only won the election based on his past experience as CP
We say: That’s true, but your attitude is BS, because it’s actually a good thing to have past experience

Someone says: The IA should be disbanded because they have done too well
We say: That’s BS, we don’t like BS, and don’t appreciate you bringing BS into our vicinity


If you are new to the game and want a political home that will help you accelerate you path to leadership, then join the IA, and take advantage of the vastly experienced players that will work with you and help you become all that you can be.

IA – FTW!!!!!!


Mark Morcom
Proud member