[HYI] Opening of Hypnotoad Investments!

Day 1,335, 19:21 Published in Malaysia USA by Sir Hypnotoad

Since the fall of ERX, and the destruction of organizations, very few Investment Companies have existed. Today, I am proud to announce that there will be a new one in eMalaysia-Hypnotoad Investments.

Hypnotoad Investments is not entirely different from Hypnotoad Bank (which was killed with the death of organizations), except for the following:

*The value of the company is in MYR, and will fluctuate alongside the monetary market's value (in gold) of 1 MYR. This will also effect the value of shares in he company.
*All dealings will be done in MYR. Gold will only be used to build cash reserves.

Other than that, Hypnotoad Investments will be extremely similar to Hypnotoad Bank. Let me take you further into the world of Hypnotoad Investments...


This article is also announcing our first IPO. We have issued 1,170 shares, valued at 1 MYR each.

Dividends will be distributed every Saturday, and will represent a portion of the week's profits. Dividend distribution will be done according to share ownership.

The current shareholders are as follows:
nicholas2000: 586
Monkeyboom Yau: 500
Hurpy McDerpson: 84

All shares have been sold

You can purchase shares by commenting below with the amount you wish to purchase, and then donating the MYR to myself.
The Ledger

In our ledger, you can find everything you need to know about Hypnotoad Investments. You can find it here. You can also find it through our website.
Savings Accounts

We are proud to be ale to offer the ability to open a savings account to anyone with some spare MYR. Interest is 4%, and interest accumulates every 30 days, starting with the opening of your account.

You can open a saving account by filling out his form.

If, in the future, you wish to deposit additional MYR into your account, simply fill out this form. Alternatively, if you wish to take MYR out of your account, simply fill out this form.

In any case, you will receive confirmation of your action within 48 hours.

Happy Investing!

Warmest regards,
CEO of Hypnotoad Investments