[HFC] Corporate Expansion

Day 1,175, 18:11 Published in Malaysia USA by Sir Hypnotoad

With the announcement (or lack thereof) of cheaper companies and "land", the Hypnotoad Food Corporation has jumped on this opportunity to expan😛 We have upgraded our Food Company to Q2, opened a new Q1 Food Company, and a new Grain Company.

We have taken a small financial hit by opening these new companies, but we believe that we should have the same, if not equal, profits that we did last week; with even larger profits next week.

This brings our Corporation value to 100 Gold, a milestone for the Corporation.

We have also decided to give a limited form of control of the corporation to the shareholders; in that they will be allowed to vote on if new shares should be printed or not. Within the next 1-2 weeks, we will be holding a vote to print more shares. The exact vote needed to pass share printing will be 50%+1.

We hope you enjoy these new quality services by the Hypnotoad Food Corporation.