[Helios] A Mercenary Military Unit

Day 2,070, 15:24 Published in Australia Norway by Major Lee Hung

Greetings all,

New Military Unit

This morning, a new MU was created! Helios was created to be a unique MU, to give people an alternative to traditional Military Units.

Official Launch

The official launch will be some time next week, but until then I'll supply anybody who joins via the proper process so you don't lose out.

How Are We Different?

Helios is a Mercenary group, rather than an actual military. Our damage is sold to other countries/individuals for a decent price.

Buying lots of collective damage rather than buying from individuals can be better for other countries trying to turn a battle. It can also be better for members looking to turn their spare damage in to money as I handle all of the administrative things for you. They get a slight discount and you get a constant supply of money!

In most countries, you can join any MU to recieve a regular supply of weapons each day. This MU is for those who want something different - the profits on your damage can even be higher than MUs that supply. On an average day of food-fighting, a Division 4 player can make enough to buy 25 Q7 tanks each day. Why not give it a go?

Liberating a region in a Resistance War during a contract

How It Will Work for You

-To be classed as 'available', you must be in our IRC channel #Helios
-I accept a contract on behalf of the MU
-Details will be posted in the shout-feed and you'll also be updated via in-game messaging
-You drop the instructed amount of damage at the instructed time. Instructions given via Rizon


You'll be given Q7 tanks to hit with. The amount will depend on how much energy you have left. Moving costs will be given where required.

After the contract has been honoured, you'll be given your cut of the profits.

Profits are basically Contract Receipt minus Tanks & Moving Costs

Slow Weeks

During slow weeks, it's possible we'll get no contracts.

In this event, everybody will receive a sum of money at the end of the week. (Typically around $400 - 600 per week) This way, nobody loses out.

Daily orders are set just in case.


When there's no contracts, our priorities will be eAustralia and then TWO.

Looking to Join?

I'm hoping not to let this MU get too big. A group like this operates better with 10 - 15 members, any more makes things a headache for everybody. Recruitment is therefore extremely limited.

Our jets on deployment during an air-strike

-Be able & willing to fight daily in the event of a 'contract'. On a typical day we can expect 2 - 3 contracts to cover the various timezones.
-Have Pulse installed so I can monitor damage for the benefit of protection for our clients.
-You must be a frequent IRC user - most of our communications will be done in the #Helios channel on IRC.
-Anybody who breaches the rules (detailed to them upon joining) will be removed, as a lot of our business will be dependent on reputation.

-We'll frequently be required to fight for CoT countries. While TWO will be given priority, we're mercenaries and are driven by market forces at the end of the day. Fighting in CoT RWs are very common.
-Some weeks will be better than others - if you're completely dependent on supplies each day, we're probably not for you.
-During 'Deployments', you may be away from eAus for days at a time to fight in RWs. You're expected to stay in the nation of your assignment until the assignment has ended.

An in-land assault on an enemy base

Join Today!

Message me to apply if you're interested.

In your application, please include the following information:-
-Your time-zone (Used to decide regiments)
-How often you're on IRC, and times you're on IRC
-Whether you have any other military commitments

Join an MU that deals out masses of money, not daily supplies of tanks! 🙂

Helios needs you!