[FedPP] Congress Elections February 2018

Day 3,718, 16:23 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

As Party President of the Federalist Party it is my responsibility and privilege to present our February 2018 Congressional Candidates for the consideration of you the voter. They will be listed in the following order.

Herr Vootsman
JA Lake
Bob Boudahili
JD Jack
Melissa Rose
Gabriel Hornz
Mark Matters
Red John
Arctic Sunrise
BuckWheat McCoy
Matt Adler

I was very pleased with the number of individuals who signed up for Congress this month. We had 24 individuals sign up (2 of them forgot to run in game) to represent the Federalist Party. This meant we would not need to run blockers, but it also meant it would be impossible to get everyone that expressed an interest a seat this month. Last month we secured 18 seats. It is my hope with a strong get out the vote effort we will secure a few more than that. Please join with me in voting Federalist January 25th 2018.

Congress has always held a special place in my heart. As the game has simplified over the years so has Congress. Gone are the days of committees to determine things like what states would be fortresses with full Defense systems and hospitals. Gone are the days in which individual candidates would run out of a state and campaign in tandem with Party efforts to win that state. Yet Congress is still an integral part of accomplishing our National business.

Every Party handles it’s Congressional Business a little bit differently. The selection process, whipping votes, negotiation tactics, and areas of concerns all vary amongst the Top 5. All of the Parties have slightly different values and points of interest. This is not a bad thing. The game and the Nation would be a dull place if everyone agreed on everything all the time.

When I first joined the Federalist Party it was not uncommon to encounter terms like Country > Party > Self or phrases like newb centric meritocracy. Those ideals live on today in the Federalist Party. We continue striving to find,include, and prep enthusiastic players for the fulfillment of their eRepublik goals. In fact now more than ever fresh eager players who wished to be involved are valued and sought after.

Nearly a third of the way into this Party President I am pleased with our progress. I have been very encouraged by the response to outreach efforts. Forum participation is on the rise, and I have been pleased to see Feds popping into the discord channel to interact. That really is what the meta is. Additional places we as a community have set up in order to better interact with one another. Seeing an uptick in this is very encouraging and just make things that much more worthwhile.

However, there is still much to be done. I will be reviving No Fed Left Behind by the end of this week. The previous owner of the Gdocs used to track requests has been unavailable for some time. We will be making new forms and communication on this to the Party will be going out shortly. Anything that we as a Party can do to ease economic pressure on our members is a must. There is a still a need for recruiters, mentors, and contributing writers to ease the burden on our new Director of Media, Mark Matters. We will also be needing a Whip for the incoming Federalist Caucus. We do not tell our people how to vote, but traditionally we have always been organized in our approach to legislative matters. In short opportunities abound.

Despite our recent off-site challenges tomorrow (the 25th) gives us an opportunity to showcase where we are still very strong. Our voting base is second to none a given considering we are the largest Party, but I have also seen that our Participation rate on election day is really something to be proud of. Once again I invite you to join with me in voting Fed for Congress.