[FED] Reintroducing FediCare

Day 3,738, 10:51 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

I would like to start this article by saying I miss Paul Proteus. Attrition in our community is very much a reality, and has been for years. Based on the article title you might be wondering what Paul has to do with FediCare returning. In a word everything. Two and a half years ago Paul was running for Party President of the Federalist Party. During that run he and I over the course of several conversations created the framework for a Party Adaptation of the Interior Program Bank Up to Strength Up. Below is Paul’s initial announcement of the FediCare Program:


And dammit, you should be rewarded for it

If we want all Federalists, and not just the same dozen people who tend to populate leadership, to engage with us, we need to encourage them, give them an incentive to join us, and then allow them to contribute and help shape our party, and our community. The latter step we'll get to, patience my friends, the former, however, will be accomplished jointly through Communications (see: below) and FediCare. Caveat: I'm not married to the name, Fed-Cares, Tanks4GivingaFuck, PaulSucksAtNames, all are decent options and on the table.

FediCare is simple, it's the result of an ongoing dialogue between Tyler and myself, and is just this: Rewarding Feds for Meta-Activity, a thank-you from the party for those who make us who we are. Here's how it works: You do the following: You message me telling me what you've done with a screen shot or link to what you've done: You're given tanks.

That simple.

FediCare Activities:

*Join IRC: Drop by our party channel and receive 5 tanks
*Post on the Forums: Make a profile on our forums, request Fed access, join us in leadership and decision making, and receive 20 tanks, simply post and receive 5, make #1 top poster and receive 15.
*Apply for a Fed Job Message myself, or anybody in leadership, looking for a Fed Job and receive 5 tanks, do the job for a month and get 10 more.
*Write an article in game: Send me the link, and receive 10 tanks, if it's about the Federalist Party, tag it [FED] and receive 15 tanks.

Place holder until we buy real tanks

More activities may be added as the month goes on, but that's it. Free rewards for taking part in our community. It's that simple, it's not reinventing the wheel, but it will make a difference. Conditions: You must be a Fed, cannot be a member of the cabinet or an officer and can enter each task only once per week

Moving on,

As you can see the Program was designed to get Feds involved by rewarding activity with tanks. It was moderately successful but eventually it fell by the wayside forgotten until now. One might wonder why bring back a forgotten program from yesteryear. In short because I believe it will work. Paul wrote in his Party President platform about both the Legacy and challenges of the Federalist Party. The challenges we face now are very similar to what we faced August of 2015. Apathy, stagnation, and an alarming drift into mediocrity. We as a Party fought back. Things changed more players became involved, we reversed course and enjoyed a very successful run that has really only recently begun to unravel.

Running a large anything in eRepublik is difficult. Things always want to drift back to the mean. It takes effort to write articles, QM programs, coordinate activities, and all the other things Parties, MUs, and Nations here in eRepublik need in order to be vibrant and dynamic. As I stated above attrition is very much a reality due to diverse factors. As such the Federalist approach throughout the years or at least the one we consistently espouse is to empower our membership through merit. This has always resonated with me.

Obviously IRC is no longer a thing, and I have added a few options to the Google Form. FediCare will be supplied on a weekly basis. Starting this week the tanks will be distributed on Fridays. I have also combined No Fed Left Behind with the form. NFLB is another program that we are unshelving. It is a supply drop that can be requested every day. It consists of 50 Q5 Food and 5 Q7 Tanks. This is not an either or drop. If you want to request Food and Tanks that is not a problem, however, you do have the option of requesting just food or tanks. This is the link for FediCare/NFLB: tinyurl.com/fedicare I urge any and all Feds to take advantage of these two programs.

One of the (if not THE) prime focuses of this upcoming month will be to expand the ranks of Feds in Leadership Posts. The very first job in need of filling is that of Political Director followed by Media. The Federalist Party invests a lot of power in our Party Presidents. There are few codified rules limiting the scope of authority for PPs. However, a PP shouldn’t do everything. The Political Director helps create the Congress list, are over the Primaries held on the Party forums. Media of course publishes periodic articles drawing attention to the various goings on of the Party. Next a FedEx Director. As Party President I frequently message the Feds information I feel they should know.

These three posts are synergetic. The Political Director opens up nominations for Party President, Congress Sign Ups, a PP Poal, and/or a CP Poal. The Director of Media Publishes an article drawing attention to it and lastly the FedEx Director messages the links to the article and event on our forums along with a message about it to the members of the Party. There are of course other very important Leadership posts, but these three along with the Party President are what I would consider the bare minimum essential to running the Feds. If you have interest in any of these three jobs (PD, Media,FedEx) please contact me! The goal is to have a Leadership apparatus in place that will seamlessly take ownership. That is what a meritocracy is all about.
Until next time I thank you for reading!