[FBS]Party elections

Day 480, 22:26 Published in USA Sweden by Algaroth

It's about time for anyone wanting to become party leader of FBS to post their manifestos and whatever so I'm not going to do that.

Seriously, no. I'm the president of the god damn nation and so far, I'm doing a decent job I think. I may not be a Ziggyzag, but come on, metallica is never gonna release another master of puppets. If you don't know me it's your own damn fault, get your ass on erepublik.se. That's where the game is played.

I do like the dude running for party leader against me this time. I've never heard of the guy, but he has spunk. I'll still recommend that people vote for me, but I'd like him to keep working for the party. Join the discussions on the FBS private forums and come to at least one party meeting. Get to know the people in the party. Enthusiasm will get you far.

We still need more people on erepublik.se and on IRC. quakenet and #erepublik.se people! Too many accounts in this game are just dying, this is a team effort people. We are playing to win god damnit.

I'm pretty sure I said butt somewhere in this article. Seriously "butt" is a hilarious word.

Also, the best cake picture i could find today was a fathers day cake. That made me sad. Take care of your parents, every day is fathers day, and mothers day.