[FBS]Algaroth's manifesto/Have at thee, FRONT!

Day 469, 22:00 Published in Sweden Sweden by Algaroth

Before I begin I'd like to say how sorry I am for me and my party spamming icehackers manifesto yesterday evening... NOT!

Honestly, I already covered this in a previous article, read the previous articles for yourselves. My point was that this is a game. If we can't have some fun in it once in a while, what's the point? If we hurt your feelings, here's your chance to get some payback. HAVE AT THEE!

Now, my manifest may not me neatly organized and have fancy headlines all over it but that's only because I hate using GIMP when I'm drunk. (GIMP is like photoshop for poor people.)

Let me tell you about myself. I've been playing this game for close to a year. I'm a 24 year old buck with just the right amount of body hair who knows how to get things done.

Awww Yeah...

When I first started, the only way to get an account was to be invited, so there werent any baby booms like there are in these times. Everyone who was active, if only in the comment sections of articles, knew everyone. Back then the game was extremely limited and buggy, (kinda like now but without the new bugs) but instead of whining over that we played as if erepublik was a game, and the point was to make sweden the strongest nation in the world. That's how you play a game, to win. The point of FBS was to always find the methods to win the game, to be the most efficient at everything we did. Believe it or not, we did this in cooperation with MSAP, the liberals in LGS and DNS and for a short time even Purjolök Ops.

I'm not sure how everything turned so wrong in the first place but as it seems now there is so much animosity between the parties. There doesn't seem to be any room for negotiations of compromizes because it seems that whenever anyone sees an opportunity to take a shot at someone they just fire blindy. If you suspect someone of foul play, ask them first and see if you can't get the whole story first. That way, we don't get a bunch of bridge-burning flamewars. In the end, the only ones who are hurt by that are the citizens of sweden, and the nation as a whole since time and energy of our most dedicated players are spent in frustration and writing frustrating responses to political parties.

Let me tell you about a time when things were different, when it was ok to joke around. Three days in august FBS turned into PowerRangers Sweden. [link="http://www.erepublik.se/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=1941&hilit=rangers"]Check it out[/link]. Not only FBS though. MSAP turned into Transformers, DNS turned into Tolkien and kept whining about some ring or whatever while LGS became Lovecraft. Arkham never really recovered from that.

Sweden used to be a lot more fun. Not just time consuming and frustrating powergrabs, but all the parties contributed in a contructive manner. I miss those days, and I hope to see them again.

But whatever, enough about that.

My guarantees, if I am elected president of this country.

1. I can with certainty guarantee that every swede will have opportunity to fight in at least a training war, if not more.

2. If we we're to get high regions of raw materials, running companies in 1 regions would still be retarded, no matter what. No matter which party wins, unless admin changes the values on the regions or implements the ability to move a company, it's money down the drain. Even if FRONT protects the raw material companies of sweden, what happens if we capture a region with HIGH raw materials? They still can't compete, internationally or nationally.

3. ATLANTIS. I've had access to the halls of ATLANTIS before and done my business in the gold urinals of the palace more than I can count. I know how things work there. I also have personal diplomatic ties since my time as Minister of Foreign Affairs (This was before I became the Minister of Awesome). These ties will help a great deal in our foreign relations. Apart from ATLANTIS I will also work on strenghtening the ties between our allies of ATLANTIS independently of ATLANTIS. The strongest allies of Sweden are the ones we gained before ATLANTIS even existed. But that does not mean we cannot tie such bonds in the future. Diplomacy is what I do.

4. As for the current ministers, I see no reason to exchange capable, competent and enthusiastic players from the most important positions in the nation. There is always work to do. Discarding old players is the same mistake as Toothpaste made. The old players can teach us a lot, and they always need help in one way or another. If you're interested in finance, ask the minister of finance if he needs help. I'm sure he or she would love the extra help. Being a minister is hard work and if they burn out or need a break, I'm all for appointing somone new. That's how it's always worked and Sweden has done pretty well thus far on that platform.

6. Five is a crappy number.

7. I promise you all, FBS will go back to what we once were. A party where we have fun. Any party willing to follow the democratic standards are welcome to join us. We all want what's best for sweden.

I'll update this when I sober up, maybe. In the meantime I expect hilarious comments from FRONT.

And admins, fix the damn links! Prioritize the simple things, they usually don't take long to fix or implement. Also, unsubscribe my articles, or at the very least, stop deleting them without warning or telling me why. Mkay?