[eUS] Questions for the POTUS Candidates

Day 1,472, 17:19 Published in USA USA by The Libertine

For the first time in a long while, I honestly have no idea who I'll be voting for. Glove is awesome (when he is not afk) but I've heard great things about Oblige, especially from Cerb, who's opinion I value greatly.

The last time I was unsure about who to vote for was probably March, when Glove came out of no where (campaign-wise) and faced HR. I was pushing for a different candidate that election (it was either Claire or GLaDOS...prolly the latter, but I am not quite sure). Glove came out of no where with a campaign managed by Justin McCravecock, HR announced relatively late and captured the USWP, GLaDOS was once again cock-blocked. I ended up voting for Glove but I wasn't in ~love~ with either him or HR. Liked both of them a bit, worked with both a little bit at that point, thought both would do fine. Glove did a fine job, in spite of his choice of JMC as CoS.


I have a small series of questions for the two remaining candidates (Glove and Oblige) that I would appreciate having answered. They are a mix of serious questions and some silly ones.

I'm not putting this out there as (necessarily) a path to getting my endorsement, as I suspect my endorsement scarcely matters, but I am offering the platform of my newspaper as a way of reaching many potential voters as well as many in the international community.

If either candidate would like to respond, please feel free to post in the comments or send me a PM with the answers (if your answers are too long to send via PM, post in a gdoc and send the link to that). I'll c/p that into the article.

Teh Questions

serious stuff

1) What are your thoughts on the official eUS Civilian Military Unit? Has it been a success? (If you know how it has been run) are there changes you would make?

Also, are you satisfied with the name and logo of the civilian MU? If you would change either of those, what would it be changed to?

Lastly, do you believe in an open and welcoming recruitment policy? This is to say: will you publicly invite all eUS military and militia groups to recruit for members from the civilian MU membership? Or do you believe that members should be shielded from contact, since many are in the MU in the first place because they like to 2-click and not be bothered?

2) If you had an army of programmers, what would be your dream eRep add-on (greasemonkey script or chrome/firefox direct add-on) technology? If you can, name one dream tech for personal use and name a different one that would be useful organizationally on a national level.

3) Give a brief assessment of the work of each Secretary of Defense since the eUS Military was formed (so beginning with Avruch in April). What did each Secretary do best? What did each overlook or perform poorly in doing? What do you want the long term legacy of your December Secretary of Defense pick to be?

fun stuff

4) Do you promise not to offer jerseygirldani a cabinet (or sub-cabinet) position?

5) Who is the best eRep player that no one has ever heard of?

6) If you could revive one dead citizen to be by your side every waking moment of your Presidency, who would you pick? (God Emperors are not eligible for this question)

7) What is your lucky number(s)?

Eight) A President in the Middle East offers you his finest harem, to house all of your woman-slaves eWifes. Which five eLadies do you pick to keep around for all of eternity?

9) Which is better: Drake's Take Care or Jay Z and Kanye's Watch the Throne? If you don't know or don't like either of those, first get spotify, brotha then answer: what's you favorite new-ish album?

10) Keystone Light: great beer or greatest beer?

Thank you for your time,
CRoy/The Libertine



1) Personally, I do not like the eUS Civilian Military Group. Don't get me wrong, I think it is better than nothing, but I would much prefer the individuals within it to find a place for themselves amongst the already existing military groups available. Also, are you satisfied with the name and logo of the civilian MU? No and no. First of all, its incredibly dull. It looks like someone googled homeland security and made it their image. The name isnt exactly exciting as well. The name needs to fit a mascot/symbol. They shouldn't be shielded from contact, these outsides MUs tend to be highly structured and well-organized, and generally people fair better in these groups than this large non-committed civilian group. Diversity is key, having multiple MUs may cause communication problems, but I have seen from experience that they generally deliver heavier blows.

2) Personal use? Instant mass mail the eRepublik World.
A script that forces people to read the president's message on their home screen.





5) Gaylord

6)Max Mcfarland II

7)3, 7, 15

FlorenciaC, FlorenciaC, FlorenciaC, FlorenciaC, FlorenciaC

9)Jay Z and Kanye's Watch the Throne, no contest.

10) I always get diarrhea the next day from it.


1) What are your thoughts on the official eUS Civilian Military Unit? Has it been a success? (If you know how it has been run) are there changes you would make?

The Civilian MU has been a great success so far; less than one month after it was created it’s already in the top 5 MU ranking.

Also, are you satisfied with the name and logo of the civilian MU? If you would change either of those, what would it be changed to?

To be honest, we were having difficult getting the logo to upload and that was the only one that would stick. I’d like something a little better than a Department of Homeland Security logo; ideally, something that screamed “America”

In terms of the name, I’d like to remove the word “military” from it... so maybe something like Team America would do? It’s hard to remove the word “official” though because that’s what we’re trying to stress- how does “All the President’s Men” sound? Or “The Secret Service” ?

Lastly, do you believe in an open and welcoming recruitment policy? This is to say: will you publicly invite all eUS military and militia groups to recruit for members from the civilian MU membership? Or do you believe that members should be shielded from contact, since many are in the MU in the first place because they like to 2-click and not be bothered?

The point of the MU is to provide a place for either new players or those that want to play the game by themselves to do so; however, should the opportunity to covert those two clickers into more serious players arise than by all means we should take it. To each his own though; it’s not like we can force people to be more active

2) If you had an army of programmers, what would be your dream eRep add-on (greasemonkey script or chrome/firefox direct add-on) technology? If you can, name one dream tech for personal use and name a different one that would be useful organizationally on a national level.

My REAL army of programmers is working on my dream tech for organization on an alliance level, which will be an orders / QMG bot that can work for 10+ MUs for each. My fantasy personal tech would be an “easy button” that sends a PM that the CEO of eRep Labs is forced to read.

3) Give a brief assessment of the work of each Secretary of Defense since the eUS Military was formed (so beginning with Avruch in April). What did each Secretary do best? What did each overlook or perform poorly in doing? What do you want the long term legacy of your December Secretary of Defense pick to be?

I could write a bible on the questions about the SoDs, so I want to say that instead, I hope the long term legacy of Artela as SoD to be seen as building a sense of community in the Armed Forces.

4) Do you promise not to offer jerseygirldani a cabinet (or sub-cabinet) position?


5) Who is the best eRep player that no one has ever heard of?

Blood and Semen

6) If you could revive one dead citizen to be by your side every waking moment of your Presidency, who would you pick? (God Emperors are not eligible for this question)

Dio is always relevant, but Alexander_Hamilton is my final answer.

7) What is your lucky number(s)?


Eight) A President in the Middle East offers you his finest harem, to house all of your woman-slaves eWifes. Which five eLadies do you pick to keep around for all of eternity?

I pick eight - rainy sunday, kria erikson, Artela, Angelini, XtaSia, FlorenciaC, Dinossauro (first lady), Autumns Dawn

9) Which is better: Drake's Take Care or Jay Z and Kanye's Watch the Throne? If you don't know or don't like either of those, first get spotify, brotha then answer: what's you favorite new-ish album?

Oblige cannot into rap muzique.

10) Keystone Light: great beer or greatest beer?

Trick question- neither.