[eUK] Vote for UKRP

Day 3,262, 14:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Addaway

In response to a slanderous article by one voo doo mike 71where he assaults the honour of my party, I feel I must respond...

Reasons to Vote UKRP;

1. It will put me in congress, (if we have a 40 man congress, which I think we do idk??) I am super good congress man and also need another medal to make 20, so thanks in advance.

6. I'll try to log in and comment at least once a day. No promises though

2. £350m a week to the NHS

3. Control of our borders

4. Other sexy UKRP congress members like WookieO

5. Proven track record of not giving the entire treasury to a sociopath

All in all a pretty compelling list imo