[eUK -MoFA] - Latest from the Foreign Office - Day 3,968

Day 3,968, 15:59 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Foreign Office


Today, a summary about the ending of our training war agreement with Croatia and Greece, the subsequent battles afterwards, the natural enemy proposal by Ireland on the UK and the appointment of a UK Ambassador to Turkey. Additionally, a bit of a summary from the top-rated international foreign affairs articles published to provide the eUK an insight of matters close to home and a glimpse of the wider world.

Situations can change rapidly where foreign affairs are concerned so some of the information shared may be dated. Also please do drop me a message if you come across a good foreign affairs article that I haven't mentioned as I've not read/translated everything published recently around the world so will have missed a fair amount.

Any foreign officials who happen upon this article, don't hesitate to drop me a message if you'd like to include something in a future eUK Ministry of Foreign Affairs publication.

Finally, I've relied on Google translate so apologises to the original authors if the original text hasn't translated perfectly into English from the excerpts I've included in this article.

Latest from the Foreign Office

Croatia/Greece and United Kingdom Training War

Between Day 3,759 and Day 3,960 the UK and Croatia subsequently Greece operated and enjoyed a fruitful training war unpinned by agreements. On Day 3,960 the UK confirmed that the UK would not be renewing the agreement with either Croatia and Greece and respectfully request Greece's gradual withdrawal. With the UK stated intention that Bulgaria would be replacing Greece and would be joining us in the British Isles upon the all clear.

The geopolitical situation that Croatia and Greece found themselves, in war with Bulgaria meant this was not an acceptable solution for them. A compromise situation between the UK position of a complete withdrawal from the UK of Greece and the Croatian / Greek reluctance of having Bulgaria at the Irish / Croatia / Greece TW borders in the UK could not be found.

In addition, Greek auto-attack bugs had also meant it had been difficult for the UK to accept them remaining in the British Isles.

The situation escalated with Greece taking UK regions in direct battles and successfully stopping all UK led resistant war movements. In addition, they've attacked Lithuania driven by the current geopolitical situation, forcing the end of the UK / Lithuania Training war and removing Lituania from the British Isles and hastening the taking of UK regions.

Diplomatic talks with Greece are continuing.

Lithuania and United Kingdom Training War

As covered in part above a prosperous and well-organised training war between the UK and Lituania has ended due to Lithuania's ongoing conflicts and need to focus their efforts elsewhere.

The training war had been in place since Day 3,912. The UK thanks Lithuania for being a great TW partner.

Ireland proposes UK as a Natural Enemy

Ireland accepted an invitation from Greece to participate with them in the conquest of the UK

The Irish plan to go for Northern Ireland, by that time Greece will take the other regions so the war will close.

If the UK reaches an agreement with Greece and Greece release UK regions the Irish are likely to follow suit and release Northern Ireland.

UK Ambassador to Turkey appointed

Rua Dam Vale has been appointed the UK Ambassador to Turkey. Rua Dam Vale is Turkish and can translate Turkish & Russian to English. He will help with article translation and may speak to Turkish Officials.

As the UK currently has no ambassador programme Rua Dam Vale is a welcome addition. Please do drop me a message if you are a UK citizen interested in becoming an ambassador.

France publishes a letter to their friends and Croatia - Journal des Diplomates

". . .Dear friends,

France is a small country. On a regular week we do about 90-100 billions damages.

While we are far from being the strongest, we do care about our allies and we will do everything for them. Yesterday and today we had the opportunity to show, once again, what really matters for us : friends and allies.

We fought hard for Bulgaria. . ."

Read the full article here - Letter to our friends and Croatia

Irish Member of Congress carries out some warfare analysis. - Lektira

. . .Recent weeks, even months has been extremely intense in eWorld’s geopolitics. After years of Asteria rule something has drastically changed and eWorld became much more balanced than it was before. Did Asteria get complacent or did Anti Asteria grew enough to pary their counterside after so many failed attempts? I’d say it’s combination of both, it always is. We’ve seen countries such as Croatia in the first place, but also Greece and Turkey grow fastly in the damage numbers, firepower and amount of packers (people who own packs).

It all started with Croatian growth few months ago, before the recent Plato’s updates has been introduced and it has changed the way this game works.. . .

Read the full article here - [Don] Rise of the War Tribe

A statement from the Bulgarian Government BG Foreign Affairs Office

. . .So, we lost, and our holiday in America is over. But, this is not the end of Bulgaria, and it is not the end of the world. We tried to win, but our damage was not enough.

Whilst many think we have been sleeping, we have actually been pretty active in recent months: let us not forget that Bulgaria has been quite active on the battlefield. There was Albania, Hungary, South Korea, Colombia, Cyprus (does this count?), Greece, Chile and Argentina too. In fact, in recent months the only antiasteria countries we haven't had wars with is Turkey (please dont set them as NE) and Egypt (woops!). As well as this, we were ready to support our allies on various occasions but ultimately didn't need to: in Sweden (vs Egypt) and in Poland/Russia (vs Cyprus/Croatia). All of this combined with the US move to normalise relations with antiasteria meant we were obviously a big target: and many would love to get their revenge. But, this does not change the simple fact: we will always be here for our friends.

New determination rules meant that one day, we would probably be kicked from the US. I did not think it would be by Croatia and Chile: but that is not important. Nobody expected us to stay forever, but we cannot make excuses. We tried, we lost. Our allies sent their damage, but unfortunately it wasn't enough. . .

Read the full article here -A statement from the Bulgarian Government

An Overview of the World from the Russian MoFA - MoFA of eRussia

". . .Bulgaria and their decision to declare NE Egypt.


The Bulgarian NE law did not pass the vote, the Spanish was spent due to the loss of the border. The only ones who successfully declared war on Egypt are Poland.

In response, anti-Asteria launched a campaign against Bulgaria in their American colonies.. . ."

Read the full article here - [МИД] Краткий обзор мировой обстановки 2


Thanks for reading. I will still aim to get better at these type of updates in the future.

For any further information don't hesitate to contact the MoFA.

Huey George
Minister of Foreign Affairs

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