[EA] The Tiger is Tamed

Day 2,002, 06:56 Published in USA USA by EnterAwesome

Hello once and for the last time readers!,

Last 2 days as PP Woo! I wish BigC as he takes the reigns after me the best wishes and lots of love.


This has been a very complicated article to formulate... its very sensitive and finding the best angle to tackle it was quite a hassle... but I think I am satisfied after numerous rough copies.

Anyway, I will just say it then maybe explain a few things and say some words.

I’m quitting eRepublik.


A lot of my time outside of the game is actually spent thinking about the game. The game and its players mean an awful lot to me. Is there a point when that becomes.. too much? I don’t really know.

I wasn’t the best Fed PP. Failure is still very new to me and I feel a bit humiliated but that can’t be helped. I just hope you don’t think less of me or even as a bad person... I’m still the same Taiga you know and love. I really did do my best, I am just not that great of a leader. Being Fed PP was my biggest eRep goal that I just filled a little prematurely.

I was devoted to being a good PP and I put just about all of my attention to that area. It wasn’t the best time for me to run due to a lot of RL constraints to be honest, I’m a selfish person.

With that being said, being PP was not the precipice that pushed me over the top to quit. I planned to quit before, Jude Connors was the first of the few that I told.


This summer there is a lot on my plate, I have a lot of people who love me and want to spend time with me. I don’t want to be like “WELL ITS THE 25TH ATO TIME”. The relationship I am in already has had to put our time aside for this game on more than one occasion.


I’m really, really, really good at making bad decisions... so I let this this one marinate for a little. The decision has grown more concrete as time had passed.

I don’t plan to be gone all at once, addictions need to be alleviated a little slowly but I have told myself over and over that the plan is to be gone completely by the end of June. If Tiacha won PP, I would have been her Dept. of Awesome Director and led it with all my might. I would have had plenty of time and devotion to do so, but it would have been the last thing I did. In a sense I’m glad PP was the last thing I did.


Summer is here and I’m excited. I will surely remember you all, some of you until the very day that I draw my last breath. That is for sure.. /corny 🙂

I have no regrets, I spent the majority of my time loving the Feds. I could have done better in a lot of my eRep careers.. but hey! To succeed you must put yourself in the risk of failure.



P.S - Who knows, not everyone stays dead forever. Even Mr. Frost and Fingerguns came back. I’m not saying I will be back, that is NOT in the plan... but surprises can happen.

So until then,
