[DICKTRAKTOR11]Waiting for MiK

Day 3,909, 11:18 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by Alfa UKSF
Mr Imannuel Kant, 6 days ago "In the next article I will detail my manifesto and policies, and most importantly how the Country President relates to the dictator."

Whilst the democratic counter revolution proceeds at its usual glacial and over promising/under delivering pace, the devotees of Piracy are stepping up the pace having now managed to fight through the backlog of things that needed fixing towards the sunny uplands of doing some actual fighting.

War warning messages have now been sent out to all the UK MU occupants (that are on my friend list) and we have already kicked off proceedings with the NE of Lithuania - https://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/209561

It's only a TW and Lithuania can easily handle us and it, so our kitteh scientists (the same inquisitive minds who have pondered "How do magnets work?" and "Can I fit into that box?") have received grant approval for their next scientific endeavor.

The answer to the question of whether those feet in ancient time did indeed walk upon England's mountains green is surely within our grasp.

Also there is some kind of vote going on sometime this week if you are into that sort of perverted practice but we don't expect much to come from it.

42nd article of the new age
Your account, Your choices, Your Dictator