[CP Nobunaga] Touhou Empire Cabinet + a small side note

Day 1,752, 14:20 Published in Japan Japan by Kazami Yuuka

Hello once again dear eJapanese.

It seems I have won the elections and I am now your ruler for one month.
First of all I'd like to thank all of those who supported me and got me through the election, it was a close one but we managed nevertheless.
Second of all I'm looking forward to this term even though I actually never expected I would become CP(I never expected to end up with all the support).Either way here I am, CP of eJapan and I'm going to enjoy myself and hopefully satisfy the people.

Can't you see my happy face?~

I don't want to make this long as there isn't much to be said rather then thank you all who have supported me, if some are still unsure about my main goals(which I work towards) you can read my Manifesto which I will link down below.

Now moving on to the Cabinet:
CP(Country President): Hizaya Nobunaga
MoFA(Minister of Foreign Affairs): Greatmoff
MoD(Minister of Defence): Dankchronic
MoF(Minister of Finance): Sumeragi Akeiko
MoS(Minister of Security): Alector
MoCH(Minister of Culture and History): Hakaisha, Ahava3233
Senpai/kohai program direct: Hakaisha
MoFM(Minister of Forum Moderation): Zodiarque
MoT(Minister of Touhou): Rin Orin Kenbyou
MoDP(Minister of Daily Pictures): Kagami Hiiragi
MoG(Minister of Gundam): Squibeel

And with that i will conclude the short, thank you speech/cabinet speech, and move over to something quite noticeable. Well geezus you lost, how does it feel?

Well geezus i won by just a few votes and that might seem insignificant for you but insignificancy can be quite significant. Just to leave you with a present, as even the loser is a winner right?
Here you go geezus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0

My Manifesto: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/2114254

Otherwise have a wonderful day everyone!

Yours Truely
Hizaya Nobunaga
Self-proclaimed divorce attorney who supports divorces.
Country President of eJapan.