[CP] Main Goals for rebuild Ireland

Day 2,703, 02:14 Published in Ireland Ireland by Elite eItaliana

Citizens of the Republic,

as you may know Kuthesh has been impeached after he robbed from the Irish Orgs, and now I'm in charge as Irish Country President.

In the same second I was elected CP, I sent a Ticket to the Admins to reset our Orgs, for let our Ministries work again as soon as possible.

This term has been started badly, but with my Cabinet, we'll try to end it best we can!

First Plans and Projects

Re-build our Economy

We were robbed of a large amount of CC, about 1.3M, so we must minimize the costs and maximize gains in this Term.
Despite it, we'll try, anyway , to realize the Increase of Supplies in Irish Army, a good move to improve a lot our damage.
I'm sure that Don Croata will manage this situation as well as possible.

Restart the Projects and increase the Government Activity

In the previous "short" Term of Kuthesh, all the Active Projects [National Strikes, Supplies Projects etc.] were stopped.
Also, except the Ministry of Community, all the other Ministries were low-active, especially the Ministry of Defense, that didn't update Orders for days and days after my resignation as Minister of Defense.
With my Cabinet I'll finally stop this hibernation in which Ireland is located: all the Projects will be restarted and a ton of articles will be published when we'll get our Orgs resetted!

Immigration keeping our country Safe

Since we removed the "safe-Dictatorship" , we're are now again under risk of Foreign Dictatorship.
So, I'll create an Immigration Office of few trustworthy congressmen who will manage all the CS.
It's a good move for let Ireland growing without any risk.

These are the main goals for the Irish re-building at the moment.
I'll keep you informed every time it's opportune.

Thanks for your time,

An Taoiseach
Inept Punisher