[CP Elections] Tea with Titans, Sir Jack Sparrow

Day 4,211, 15:54 Published in Ireland Ireland by Violence Seth

Well hello there, Sethesin here. Welcome to another Tea with Titans, an occasional frequent a feature here on the Skald, where I endeavor to interview the movers, the shakers, the warlords and money makers right here on eRepublik!

In this seventh issue of Tea with Titans I will be interviewing a candidate for June '19's eIrish Country Presidency. If you don't know this player you are either very new or simply haven't a clue. He's a Congress Member for the Irish Goats Party, a soldier for the prestigious CrΩmega M.U, Press Director of the Media Mogul Medal awarded Legit News and three time former Uachtarain of Éire.
It's none other than the one, the only..

Sir Jack Sparrow

So without futher ado, here's the interview

The Skal😛 Why do you play eRepublik?

Sir Jack Sparrow: I started playing it back in 2010 by suggestion from my class buddy and playing it since then (with pauses in meantime of course 😃). I don't really know why I play it, it is almost same as it was years ago just with some different additions into it which I wouldn't mind if there were many more of them... I think I play mainly because of beautiful people I met here 🙂

The Skal😛 What are your thoughts on the RL cash economy of eRepublik?

Sir Jack Sparrow: If someone has money to spend on eRepublik I don't see what's bad about it, let them spend their own earned money there is nothing more to say in my opinion.

The Skal😛 What's the most interesting thing going on in Republik in your opinion?

Sir Jack Sparrow: Currently I'd say it is major comeback by anti-Asteria countries and I am so happy this happened to shift game in different direction finally. I just hope this form keeps on going as it is for last few months 😃

The Skal😛 I've hypothetically just started playing, I've set up a new eIreland Citizen to play and I'm totally green/inexperienced. What advice would you have for me?

Sir Jack Sparrow: I would advise you to focus only on air battles because there is no way you can catch up to older players and that is a thing which needs to get fixed asap. New players are forced to focus only on air at that can get really boring for them. Also they could try to delve more into production and make profit from that.

The Skal😛 Croatia and Ireland have a long and storied history together in this game. Do you think it's just happenstance or something more?

Sir Jack Sparrow: Ireland and Croatia are allies literally forever in this game and it never changed and will never change. We have amazing mutual respect and they always helped us when we needed them they were there to help. I am sure this cooperation will continue and I am really happy to have such amazing community with us 🙂

The Skal😛 eIreland has gone through some very dark, dull often humiliating times, historically at the hands of the eUK. It now seems that the tides have turned. Our old enemy, the eUK, has been utterly wiped. Is their a sort of cathartic relief in that and that's enough or has eIreland a more substantial destiny in the game as a whole beyond petty rivalries?

Sir Jack Sparrow: Rivalry with UK lasts forever now and I don't think it will ever stop. There were really bad times for Ireland, especially 1 year ago from today when Peru occupied us. But with UK nowadays I think we are superior side and really more active side from what I can see. It also boosts our morale when you begin to see you are that stronger than your biggest rivals.

The Skal😛 You're an experienced, three time Uachtarain of eIreland. How has the role of country leader changed in your eLifetime?

Sir Jack Sparrow: Before my first mandate it was rather dull playing the game, at that time didn't even have packs or anything. But after I got support from WHS (which I am thankful to this day), things started to play veeeeery different. I started investing money in packs, found amazing friends which helped me and guided me through journey of my 3 mandates. That period of my eLife was definitely the best period I can remember playing this game.

The Skal😛 CODE, the Enfant Terrible of eRepublik. What your thoughts on this alliances meteoric rise?

Sir Jack Sparrow: As I said I am really pleased that we are finally winning side and i can't express how happy I am that we are finally there. Feels good I need to say 😃 Also in CODE you can see how brotherhood really looks like and how much everyone cares about each other. I am really proud Ireland is one of founders and a member of this amazing alliance and only the sky is limit for us it may seem 😛

The Skal😛 You're running for CP of eIreland against another experienced former CP of eIreland, King Trito Fisher. Why should eIrelanders vote for you?

Sir Jack Sparrow: I think people should vote for me because they know how serious I am when I want to do something (if it is need to do something of course). Back in May 2018 I came fully back and saw we were under Peru aggression. It looked really bad, we were literally under their shoe and they were stomping on us all the time. Things needed to be done and with help of most members from today's CODE we kicked Peru from the island and Irish reborn stared to happen. Machi (MachiaveIIi) came back with Slua and Papi (Warbhoy). Three people you really can't fail having around you 😛 And from there till now we just needed to boost activity and make more programs to make that boost in activity happen. I think that campaign vs Peru really gave Ireland new life and we took it with all our limbs. Trito is nice guy I don't really have anything special to say about him, he is a four time CP of Ireland and he knows how to do things. I also remember him congratulating me after the end of my terms and that was really nice of him. I wish him luck during these elections.

The Skal😛 Should you win the title race, could you give our readers a brief outline of how you'll serve eIreland as it's Uachtarain?

Sir Jack Sparrow: I will serve Ireland as I used to in the past. I will continue with every single active project because I don't think there is much to add. I saw Trito wanted to make that TG loans but I don't really see point in that since it is impossible to catch up with older players so I really want Ireland to focus on Air as much as possible because it is really Irish thing nowdays. I also want to make few military campaigns but we'll see how that will work out. 🙂

The Skal😛 Can you tell our readers who you have in mind for your Cabinet of Ministers?

Sir Jack Sparrow: Well this is what I want to my cabinet to look like but will need to get 100% response form players:

Prime Minister - Slua
Minister of Defence - T0413
Minister of Foreign Affairs - aimeisan
Governor - Warbhoy
Minister of Education - T1nk3r

The Skal😛 What would you like at the bar?

Sir Jack Sparrow: Huh, I like a lot of stuff but most of all I would say Captain Morgan+Coke 😃

Another Tea with Titans, another look into the grizzly brains of the best and brightest in this little horror-show we call eRepublik! I'd like to thank Sir Jack Sparrow for sharing his opinions and thoughts on the game and I wish him and King Trito Fisher all the best in the upcoming June '19 eIrish Country President Elections.

May the best candidate win.

You can find King Trito Fisher's CP manifesto here.

Well it looks like that's all we have time for! Thank's again to my guest, presidential candidate Sir Jack Sparrow for his time, candour and honesty. A true gentleman if ever I met one.

Please Vote, Comment, Subscribe (if you haven't already) and join me next time for another Tea with Titans!

Thank you for reading!
