[CP] Conclusion of these 2 Terms

Day 2,755, 04:54 Published in Ireland Ireland by Elite eItaliana

Citizens of the Republic,

today this Term is ending and with this, my 2 months of Presidency.


When I took the Presidency of eIreland, about 2 months ago, the Nation was literally destroyed due to Kuthesh's messes: Projects Stopped, about 1.3M CC robbed and an huge chaos among citizens.

Despite it, I accepted the challenge and started to work very hard with my Cabinet.
In few time we improved our Finances, but for do it we had to cut some surplus Projects. It was an hard decision to take, but we had to.

So, we continued the first Term following a "saving logic" and we also tried to organize a TW with Israel, that was a failure due to an attempt of MTO that they received.

Unfortunately, we had very few time compared to the huge things needed to do and I knew we could do better.
That's why I ran again for President, and that time I won.
My main goals for the second term were: first off, organize a War, realize the Plans and Projects that I proposed in my first candidacy, and then leave eIreland, to the next President, much better than I found it.
I actualized all these, and I'm very proud of it.

However, sometimes things don't go as planne😛 I'm talking about the 2 attempts to install a foreign Dictatorship in eIreland.
We rejected both very well, thanks to the Allies&Friends, the high experience of the whole Cabinet and high COs.
I'm very proud of it too.

Now, for avoid further risk of MTO, we installed a Prèmier ad interim, Don Croata, and we're developing the Elections for an 'elected' Prèmier.
We're at the 2nd step, and I'll leave the managing of the 3rd to the next President.


As you may noticed, I don't mind write articles, but I prefer work hard.
These are the articles of the 2 Terms that report everything wrote above anyway:

Short Update (First Term)
Quick Update (Second Term)
Just Thanks (Second Term)
Special Update (Second Term)
National Summit Summary (Second Term)


I feel the need to thank all the citizens that supported me in these Terms, and the Congress that showed an huge support after a troll proposal - I appreciated it a lot:

Now, I'm gonna back to eItaly for a bit, but when eIreland will need help I'll be here to help you, because you all are fantastic.
Thanks again!


(former) - An Taoiseach
Inept Punisher