[CP] 2 Weeks

Day 4,810, 07:02 Published in Canada Canada by Thedillpickl

Hi kids!

Umm... Usually the Party Presidents are buzzing and clicking about Congress election by now. Thought I'd take a moment to mention that your activity is important to make this work. Also don't forget to vote on the 25th.

That's Right!

14 more days. Then back under my rock I go.

Don't get me wrong, glad to help out. "We stand on guard for thee" are more than mere words. I'm proud of my adopted eHome and enjoy my friends. Thanks for allowing me to be part of the group. It's gratifying to know I can still be trusted to pilot the ship.

Here's the link: https://youtu.be/jpvkUdMu60A

Rare vintage film of my original CP interview many years ago.

On the opposite end I'm relieved it's about done. Never let anyone tell you CP is easy. It can become a real job in a pretend world.

Here's the link: https://youtu.be/ad3qEFJCTew

Meeting the interns this time around.

Wrap Up

Never heard back on that all important agreement with the US. Just as well, a pretend piece of paper never stopped an invasion anyhow. As long as they understand our resolve that they stay on their side of the line.

The Hot Air program seems to be doing OK. At least no one said any different to me. In this sort of case, no news is good news.

As always, watch the Country Feed for battle orders and other important info.

That is all,

Here's the link: https://youtu.be/tYj0Iczb98U