[CCCP] Scandal! Greeks Buying Lazokrat Damage Against eCyprus

Day 2,070, 06:23 Published in Cyprus Greece by iaberis
One day after the 20th July Turkish invasion of Cyprus, we have a Greek group buying damage (with state funds?) from the Turkish ultranationalist group known as Lazokrats.

They fight against eCyprus:

eGreeks deny it and Lazokrats admit it:

Are the eGreek citizens aware of this? Do you still support the eGreeks holding our lands despite any profit for your economy? Is it still a matter of eCypriots misbehaving or a matter of personal differences between a group of Elite eGreeks and the eCyprus community?

PMs that prove this! Names censored to protect the identity of the players:

Fight against oppression! Fight against Elites! Equality and being different is not privilege. It's a basic need for all humans!

Join our cause for freedom, existence and a fair play.

Bonus shout? RL threats by the Elite

Chain shout!
Free Cyprus