[Botschafterreport] Interview mit El Conde Lincuente ehemaliger CP von Venezuela

Day 1,085, 08:21 Published in Germany Germany by Embassy of Germany

Hallo eDeutschland,

seit der letzten Ausgabe ist nun schon einige Zeit vergangen. Ich möchte versuchen die Botschafterreporte wieder zu reanimieren. Das geht nicht von heute auf morgen, doch zum Glück verweilte in den "Archiven" noch dieses Interview, das unser Botschafter Beorn Federrupfer mit dem ehemaligen CP von eVenezuela El Conde Lincuente bereits im Oktober führte. Da die Aktualität durchaus noch gewahrt ist, möchte ich es euch nicht vorenthalten. Also viel Spaß beim Lesen...

Dejan Vojvoda - Botschafterkoordinator

Interview mit El Conde Lincuente, ehemaliger CP von eVenezuela
von Beorn Federrupfer

Please tell us a little bit about who you are. When did you start playing this game, what did you do until now?

Ok, I started this game when Facebook appeared in an advertisement saying "Venezuela is being invaded, and you can prevent this from happening", this sign caught my attention and I came quickly was addicted to gambling and to this day I have not stopped playing even one day, I've been 5 times Congressman, 2 Congress President, two Vice President Legislative, Education and Labour Minister and Chairman of eVenezuela.

What do you think about the migration from v2 to v1.5 and future changes?

The migration has brought some problems, some things have improved and some others have complicated the game, but being honest, we just play to adapt to change.

eVenezuela has 667 citizens, you’ve got a pretty big enemy with eSpain…

eVenezuela, is a country with few people, not only in the game, that it happens in real life, but in both cases, our country is a very lucky and citizens who love their country, that makes us a great nation.

... and EDEN wins battles with massive help of RL money. Whats your opinion?

No matter the reasons why our enemy manages your money and so I used that money, what matters is that he always gets eVenezuela sooner rather than later recover and come out on top before the enemy.

How is the eVenezuelan Community, how many are actually active? I heard about Projects like soccer clubs, how is that working out?

Venezuela is very active players and form a great community, thanks to this game today but I have many friends in real life, but a fault eRepublik and new ones have little action the first day, just working and coaching is over for today, is why the current government have created a series of activities such as football league, we have created a ministry dedicated exclusively to the national chat and much more to draw attention to the new player and you are interested in. the game.

What’s your favorite food?
(and anything else you want to tell the eGermans about Venezuela & eVenezuela)

eVenezuela is a dignified country, full of good people and waiting with open doors to anyone who wants to enjoy, invest and spend good time with us.

An dieser Stelle erwarten euch sonst die Stellenauschreibungen, diesmal bleiben sie aber aus. Nicht weil wir voll besetzt wären, sondern weil die Umstrukturierung noch eine kurze Zeitspanne braucht. In der nächsten Ausgabe wird es eine ausführlichere Stellenausschreibung geben, wer also Interesse hat Botschafter zu werden, kann sich bereits die nächste Ausgabe vormerken.

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