[Ashwamedh] Curioser?

Day 2,076, 09:57 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

Greets all,

Yep its yet another night of my guilty pleasure - Ardbeg. Helps me think a bit clearly and remember erep!

Been reading some stuff on and off around and everywhere, gonna try and make things simple.

To begin with, CoT are in trouble ... and they always will remain. Why? cos the alliance was formed on the basis of having testicular fortitude (read : "balls" for those who dont understand) But that... amazingly is their strength.

For those in India who gave in to ridiculous propaganda by Croats and Serbs, I remind that when you hitch your wagon to someone, you do it cos you respect and trust the person. There is NO alliance better than CoT... cos they have the guts to go up against strong alliances to stay true to their beliefs. They respect friends and when in the dumps, do not give up. They in fact go to try and strengthen themselves (renewed BB efforts)

Incoming Indian CPs would do well to understand that alliances win and lose but you should never be an e-Serb or an e-Croat or an eAlbanian. These are 3 groups of players who you should not trust under any circumstances. They have no honour and no shame and only seek personal advancement above all else.

These three are the worst of the Balkans in THIS GAME. (I do not speak about real life)

No one should make any deals with these disgustingly dishonourable players and in fact should teach them a lesson. We in india have a tendency to beg and chortle for one region/two regions to this bunch of zealots. I would say, stop whining and begging ... staying wiped is better than going on our knees to these guys who have repeatedly gone against their word.

I am a fool too... I do not even remember how many millions of damage I did against Serbia IN FAVOUR OF ALBANIA before I quit the game only to find that these thankless, untrustworthy bunch of liars decided to AS India not only to get congress but to get weapon bonuses too!!! Fine way of repaying the damage , RL Money and hard work we put in for them... time and again.

CROATIA .. the lovely "HONOURABLE" country with a great man ... Romper. What do they do? insult us during talks and then repeatedly threaten us and finally, decide to take our lands all the way and in conversations try to lay the foot down saying " right, so you oppose us, you wont have a region." (this is from a Croat article where Hamturk opposed it and got this response) Romper - you have been beautifully quiet... love the way you flex your muscles, money and mouth when Croats will hail you as a leader but have no balls to fight for injustice that Croatia does. Is that how you are in real life I wonder? and I always thought you of all people had some self respect and were honourable.

Serbia - the great conquerors...in strife, on the verge of breaking down. The great nation who mad eit a point to send spies everywhere, to try PTO.

@ India - e-Serbs are the worst of the lot and I learnt it the hard way, with Serbia opposing India all throughout and sending low class idiots to infiltrate us. You know what that does? it makes ME suspicious of EVERY serb around, even though some would be awesome people (that would be like 1 in a 1000 but yea rare)

Forter is running for CP...getting advice from Vladimir Alexei/Slavko/Sprakabot/whatchamacallit ... India be wise, decide well. Maybe Forther is that 1 in 1000 serbs who is sick of serb politics and is probably a genuine guy, but asking advice from someone who betrayed me after I helped him through thick and thin?? YOU make your choice...

hell, I havent seen a Yuuva candidate (and I know some would hate me for this) but Sam is quitting... and I dont see anyone truly who can keep India safe except Yuuva. their methods are ... debatable.. but ... we all share the same blood.

Time to abolish parties I say - no Yuuva, no IU, no ICP... maybe ONE?

Signing out guys... do what you have to!!!