[Ash] Chaos Calling

Day 2,773, 01:33 Published in India India by Ashwamaedh

Dear all,

I have had a torrid time of late with a lot of work and a lot of training to do 🙁 hardly have had time to logon or do much (must have missed quite a few training days too!) I did logon today though and saw the usual appeal by MoE to infuse activity via articles, so here I am with my little contribution.

Of late things are turning interesting it seems (typical... everything always happens when Im away!) and it seems that the balance of the alliances might be shifting. Croatia and Turkey have always been the careful and suave planners while our dearest brother Bulgaria, have always been hot headed, and always supportive of friends come what may. This as always leads to cross-roads and they may be at one right now.

The question now is...what does India believe in? Are we any different from BG? I hope that as a nation we all trust and believe in our Dictator and support our brothers in whatever direction they may take. The time to take a call will be coming soon and I know just one thing - lions stand by lions, especially when surrounded by a pack of dogs 🙂

Let's see how things play out in the future...but all I know is that true friendship is way more valuable than ridiculous deals and shenanigans over virtual territories.