[April 5] Vote TemujinBC!

Day 3,422, 19:50 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC

Greetings fellow Canadians,

Vote TemujinBC on April 5th.


We had a successful March which started with the RoSe Determination reset wrap-up and finished with a fun training war with the USA (culminating in a freshly signed MPP and a fine 0.69 gold paid to our account).

I assembled a large cabinet for March, and will do so again in April swapping out a few inactive sh*tters with some fresh blood.

I have a decent grasp of the FIGHT button but a terrible grasp of game mechanics. Chopp DKS will continue in his role of MoFA (lolz) and will continue to advise on all things game-y

I have the support of Temmy's Dirty Carpet, and that's just fine by me.

So on April 5th, vote the steady hand of Temu. Vote for continued success and glory. Vote for LulZ. Vote TemujinBC

Hugs and Kisses,


PS WallOfText.jpg
PPS Vote Erick, that's okay too
PPPS Just don't vote Rylde ~_^