[AMBASSADOR] Bulgaria's here

Day 1,028, 05:31 Published in Hungary Bulgaria by NKFV
Hello, dear hungarians.

I'm glad to represent you myself as the new bulgarian ambassador in your country. We've already changed few ambassadors here, which is not good for the both sides, so i hope that with my presence here, we will strengthen оur relationship.

I'm the current chairman of the bulgarian congess and in the last months' elections wаs my best placed position, so you can be sure that you will communicate with serious and active ambassador. I've already met with your president Nalaja, the MoFA AThompson and the MoD Capitao Nascimento and i'm grateful for the excellent salutation.

In my welcome article in Hungary i can't miss my best foreign eFriend - Heidar. He was helping me just from the beginning of my eLife, when i was poor and skiny bulgarian baby 🙂 Cheers, mate!

So, dear hungarians, expect my first serious article in few days. Subscribe, cause you can miss it 🙂 That's it for now.
Best regards, NKFV.