[AC4PP] ApronChef for ESO PP

Day 1,789, 03:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ApronChef

This is my manifesto for my Party Presidential candidacy. My goals are simple and defined throughout my manifesto, and are clear cut to portray what I wish to do.

I’m varied in my approach to many tasks, I do see myself as a relatively social person who aims to include as many people as I can in what I do. However I firmly believe that individual duties are to be done alone, with some assistance from others.

I prefer to teach others rather than hold their hand through the tough journey of finding their feet. It is extremely important we educate the young players on the ways of ESO, what we stand for and how we function, then, and only then can we aim to sustain the image of ESO: a place of cooperation, friendship, honesty and togetherness regardless of who you are.

I have matured and developed my self through the time I have taken out of intense politics and similar things, only going into congress to do some light activities and such. My ability to deal with the stress of the job I need to do has become easier, and even a good thing, as it pushes me forward to succeed in what I set out to do.

My previous experience:

Three times congressman.
One times Deputy Minister of Finance.
One times Minister of Home Affairs.
One times Party President of Every Single One.
One times Advisor to Ministry of Home Affairs.

During my first PP term, [15/012/2011-15/01/2012] I was unable to achieve all I wanted, this was due to lack of experience and game knowledge, since then, I have expanded my knowledge bank, undertaken many new roles and assisted the community at large. I do believe I now have the relevant experience and knowledge to lead ESO to a brighter future and repair/uphold ESO standards.

The ESO in-game fee😛 It needs a bit of organising, less article spamming. I do believe that articles should be posted there, but heavily favour it being a relevant article link rather than mindless and irrelevant stuff no one wants to see posted on the party feed.

Congress Elections: A system will be put in place to determine placement on the congress list in the party. We will hopefully still be able to welcome smaller parties to run under ESO. I will add a thread in the ESO forum explaining how to show your intention to run. I will expect all members intending to run to compile a manifesto, represent yourself before you are given the chance to represent others. A congress thread will be put up on the forum on the 20th of October.

Assistance in manifesto writing: A template and further assistance for writing a Congress manifesto will be within the thread about Congress Elections. For those who wish to take the next step by making their own manifesto from scratch [including graphics] can seek individual help from me or members of the ESO HelpDesk.

Country President Elections: A thread on the 26th of October will go up to discuss whether ESOers wish to show intention to run. On the 28th-29th October a poll will go up displaying all candidates from all parties wishing to gain ESO support [A no one option shall be available] On the 31st of October the candidate of which ESO has chosen to support [or no candidate at all] will be released. Giving a sufficient 5 days before the actual election for people to analyse the candidates running for Country President and who they wish to vote for. Whoever wins the support poll is not the candidate you have to vote for, regardless if you voted them on the poll, you can still vote for whichever candidate you wish to.

HelpDesk: I hope to set up a small HelpDesk for ESO, it will provide help for players in most aspects of eRepublik. An attempt to cancel out the issues of new players being unaware of critical game mechanics. A help section will be added to the weekly article, and a forum thread will be set up and maintained to ensure questions are answered within an acceptable time of being asked.

Media revival: We need to get our media back up, we had a lovely media program before, regular articles containing valuable information that is visible in-game. To get this going again would benefit the party greatly. It was our main route to interaction with the in-game only ESOers, and now its time to get that back.

Plan for media: A media team will be formed, around two writers and one graphics artist, however articles will predominately rely on me, as no offence to the activities of people, but teams can be unreliable even if not intentionally intended. A weekly article will be written to ensure quality information and no spamming of useless articles containing fragmented information. If an important event shall take place, a special article will be released to notify everyone. Fancy new graphics will hopefully be made, a pretty new start for our media and the way it is seen. A voice for ESO, one single voice for the party to the public that portrays the many voices we have.

Our image: I will make sure we avoid trolling, aggravating or even bad mouthing other parties, I have been around long enough to confirm other parties aren’t devil spawn or the work of satan himself. They are just like us, party members, but for a different party. If you are wronged by another party, contact me immediately, I will solve it diplomatically for you.

Plan for our image: Watching and reading around intently to spot the wrong doers. I have good eyes and can read fast. If you do wrong, expect to hear from me, I will explain what you did wrong, why it was wrong, how it affects your image, and the party’s image. I may even ask you to resolve the issue you caused.

A few other activities will hopefully be held, like quizzes etc, however I want to inform you, the listed issues/activities above take precedence above any additional activities.

Other activies:

Food assistance: Possibly a daily thing that will give a set amount of wellness per person. We all need food, and we all need to ensure we can assist those who may struggle, or maybe as a bit of a pick me up in this tricky economic time.

15th October - [hopefully] elected.
20th October - Congress thread up.
26th - Thread for ESOers to show intention to run for Country President.
28-29th - A poll for who ESO supports for Country President.
[All candidates wanting ESO support must provide a manifesto of some sort.]
31st of October - Candidate that ESO is supporting will be announced.
15th of November - The end of my term.

I plan to have at least 2 additional activities throughout my term, but I will not give them a fixed date.
The food assistance will not be given a set timeline, as it will need to fit around unforeseen events.

PP: ApronChef [If I should win]

Media team:
-Two writers.
-One graphics artist.

-I will be offering people a position on this.

I will not be having a vPP, they do nothing and end up being more of an issue then a cure or way of prevention. Giving people titles does not equal productivity it normally ends in inactivity and lack of effort. To help ESO, we need everyone to help, and to be perfectly honest, not everyone can have a unique title. But I do give you all this title: ESOer, and with that, you are a friend of mine and a friend of many.

If you wish to apply for a Media team job, please contact me as soon as possible. [All candidates will be responded to, successful or not in gaining a placement on the Media team.]

Thankyou for reading.

Your support on the 15th is extremely valuable to me, and if elected, I shall do my best.
If you have any further questions, please ask below, or via pm [either in-game, forum or IRC.]

Name on forum: ApronChef
Nick on IRC: ApronChef If I happen to be away [using the nick: AC|Awaysies] please pm me, and I will respond as soon as possible.

Lots of Love;

“ESO rocks the socks, so lets bring this house down!” ~ ApronChef