**A Hypnotoad Press Release**#7.2-Neutrality

Day 547, 15:53 Published in Greece USA by Sir Hypnotoad

Items that will be adressed

1)Resistance War

2)Hypnotoad Neutrality

3)Irish War Games

4)Swedish-German Crisis
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Resistance Wars

Recently, a resistance war started in Thessaly. I encourage all able Greeks to participate. I would

suggest moving to Central Greece, it has a Q5 hospital. I would join you, but I have already fought

for today. Good luck freedom fighters!
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Hypnotoad Neutrality

In the recent political nightmare, I am claiming neutrality. I hope that this will in no way affect my

run for Congress. I hope the Greek people will ignore articles concerning this issue, to prove to

them that we want this to end. I also hope that the Greek people will trust me when I say: In

Congress, I will fight for what is good for Greece.
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Irish War Games

Today, the Irish war games have restarted. If you are unable to participate in the resistance war, I urge you to be a part of this war game.
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Swedish-German Crisis

Sweden is trying to imperialise Germany. I believe that we should sigh an MPP with the Germans for two reasons:
1)The Germans are like us in a way, fighting for freedom
2)Our soldiers will gain military experience
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Long Live Greece,