**A Hypnotoad Press Release**#6-Greece Divided

Day 546, 16:03 Published in Greece USA by Sir Hypnotoad

Items that will be adresse😛

1)The Political Situation in Greece

2)Solutions to fix the Problems

3)Other News

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The Political Situation in Greece

As those of you that are involved in the forums know, the EEK has been accused as being facist

and racist. The EEK has responded by saying that they banned those they did from the forums for

good reason. I will tell you both sides of the arguement, and will try not to be biased at all. The two

sides can be found [url=http://egreece.forumotion.com/main-discussion-f8/the-fanmel-administration-


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Solutions to fix the Problems

I believe that a united Greece can stand alone, while a divided one will surely fall. We need to

recover from our division. I do not know how we can do this, but leave a comment if you have any

ideas as to how to fix this mess.

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Other News

In other news, Greece has signed an alliance with Croatia, and the American President, Scrabman,

announced that war games will be postponed due to the Swedish-Greman situation. You can see

the full article [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/usa-and-the-atlantis-problem-war-games-


Also, the government continues to do nothing about the now past grain crisis, they appear to have

refused to increase the import tax on grain, which is one of the major points of my congressional


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Long Live Greece, Long Live ATLANTIS,