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The Journey of Krakken

1 Day 2,111 ,12:09 在Ireland发布 Ireland 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

About 2 weeks ago Krakken left the Irish Army. Krakken was so missed that they tried to entice him back with gifts. After a while krakken saw these turks do not feed me. In the morning Krakken would awake and see his fellow turkish hordes without

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The contents of file 2356 FBI HQ's Room 34567 Filing Cabinet 4

10 Day 2,109 ,14:51 在Ireland发布 Ireland 社交娱乐 社交娱乐


Subject: 686878

Aliases:http://www.erepublik.com: Malbekh, Death and Taxes
[url]http://www.ponystars.com[/[/url] … 更多 »

The Economics of a Q7 WEPS factory under different work taxes

10 Day 2,107 ,05:18 在Ireland发布 Ireland 经济焦点 经济焦点

Sorry my article have no tits just facts.

The reason I wrote my 2 articles is because usually when there is no action or negative action a new player will write an article. His/her perspective is quite different from old hands who have been

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Choking to death on Texas

24 Day 2,106 ,16:19 在Ireland发布 Ireland 经济焦点 经济焦点

I am so tired of the 5% work tex I considered moving to Texas but apparently they have it worst and I recently discovered besides all their players their but a puny nation on the battlefield or maybe there is just a lot of MU's.

Lets break it

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How to make Ireland massively popular for immigrants

17 Day 2,103 ,03:00 在Ireland发布 Ireland 经济焦点 经济焦点

Ireland is a small country we have an active population of roughly 200 players.
So this is my plan to make Ireland MASSIVELY POPULAR

1. Never fight in any wars- hey half of us is the children of hippies (not me) so why hide our upbringing.

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