Wasn't That a Party

Day 1,575, 06:11 Published in Canada Canada by Connor MacLeod

Recently, Treian has announced his intentions of dusting off the old CNC party. For those not familiar with the Canadian National Coalition (CNC) you can read about it's genesis in this article by Jacobi.

The CNC was birthed out of the flames of war. Once PEI was recaptured and eCanada existed again, the need arose to run candidates for congress while protecting the nation from foreign influences. The CNC was created to allow the parties of the day to run under a united banner to ensure an "All eCanadian" congress was elected.

All eCanadians, working together to rebuild the nation. That may seem impossible in the current political climate of eCanada, but prior to the burning of Ontario many had similar views in June 2009.

The same spirit of cooperation is desperately needed in eCanada again today and a renewed CNC could be that standard bearer once again. If only those pesky members of The BGMPM Party would get out of the way right?

Or maybe not. In the spirit of the CNC, I'm asking Treian to reconsider reclaiming this former CNC. Let those who currently reside in the shell of the CNC to continue their existence. In return, I'm offering the gold required to create a new Canadian National Coalition from scratch. The end result is the same and you won't have people wondering why you act like the Canadian Norsefire Coalition.

So Treian, do you want to have a party?