Updates from nowhere!

Day 751, 11:45 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great
Its been almost two weeks I've had in congress, and things are going well. I was included in Woldy's cabinet, as Gifting Director and am currently overseeing an overhaul of the Gifting Department. As well as this, I was graced by BombadierBeetle, who granted me another term as a Treasury Secretary.

So what else has been going on?

We attacked America. We managed to steal 6 regions from them; in a maneuver called "blocking" - when we attacked the US, they couldn't attack Japanese. They retreated the battles, so they could attack, but we "blocked" them again to stop it; and our efforts managed to ensure that the final result was the one we all wanted; A brilliant Phoenix victory.

Woldy won a third term as President. Unfortunately, our candidate, Craig_Rossiter missed out this time, but do not fear for the UKRP shall return victorious; our time is coming.

Party President Elections

Indeed, the time is almost upon us; just 5 short days until we decide our direction; do we continue with the successful, but unpopular and controversial Winston L.S. Churchill, or do we vote for reform with the veteran, popular figurehead Raziel Darkheart. For me, this will be a close election, the first "true" fight for the office of Party President in quite some time for the UKRP. My thoughts? As with the instincts of the party, I am an inherent reformist; as such, I believe that a new Party President will bring fresh ideas, new members and restore some of the respect the party has lost. Whoever wins, we should continue to work together, support each other and ensure that true, considered reform remains on the agenda for a while to come. That is why this time, I am endorsing Raziel Darkheart for the Party Presidency. Whoever wins; December should be a fantastic month for us, and I look forward to it.

What has happened?

The huge battle we witnessed in Japan was America's attempt to snatch away the high iron regions of Hungary and Indonesia. They made no bones about the fact they were liberating these regions to undermine the weapons markets, and armies, of the two super-powers, and were hoping their efforts would be rewarded with China allowing them use of a high iron region.

After that, when the US returned our attacks, and tried to regain their regions we had large amounts of currency in our country accounts. As you may be aware, when you lose a region, the percentage that region is of your country, (if you have 5 regions, and lose 1, it would be 20😵 is taken from your country accounts, and given to the victor. We had over 300 Gold worth of assets in our accounts at this time. Congress, for the first time in a while admittedly, actually thought and discussed the subject and a solution was found. You may wonder why 2 proposals (one of them from me) to issue money were rejected; this is not people trying to undermine the government; this was Congress removing 250 Gold from the reach of the Americans; this is our gold, damn yanks!.

To conclude

Our country, is as unified as ever. There are no splits in congress, everything that happens is part of our bigger, not-evil, secret plan. The UKRP party faces its toughest, and probably biggest moment of the year; this really does define the future of the party. Thanks for reading!