Day 5,208, 11:02 Published in USA USA by RiccardoCatte


***This article is not for people who have the truth in their pockets, but it is for people like me who hate war and hopes for a future humanity of peace and respect.***


Hi Comrades and eAmericans,

since 2014 I have agree to the autonomy of the Republics of Donetzsk and Lugansk, which opposed the coup in Maidan Square, wanted by Europe and the Americans.
Since that coup, there have been governments of a strongly nationalist nature in Ukraine, supported by expressly neo-Nazi fringes.
The reason for this my opinion is that i'm for the principle self-determination of peoples. In fact, the inhabitants of these republics are Russian and do not feel Ukrainian at all and they have democratically voted for their autonomy.
The Ukrainian response was not for the recognition of autonomy for these regions, but for their military occupation. The ensuing war led to a defeat of the Ukrainian army which had to withdraw from Donetzsk and Lugansk.
Russia sought to deal with Europe with the Minsk treaties one and two, the ceasefire on the front line and the recognition of autonomy within Ukraine's territorial integrity.
However, in eight years Ukraine has never respected the agreements, continuing the bombings along the demarcation line and has never legislated about the recognition of regional autonomy.
The current Ukrainian president Zelenski won the elections promising a peaceful solution to the conflict. But, as it happens very often, by reducing his consensus within his electorate, he has decided to take back the territories of the Republics by force.
What better way then to justify a new war than to declare an attempted aggression by Russia and the related request for protection with NATO membership?
This is the situation we have come to. And there are no good guys on one side and bad guys on the other one. The responsibilities for those who followed the story are not equally shared. Europe, which in my opinion, bears the greatest responsibility for the Maidan coup which resulted in the destabilization of the area, then the USA for its policy of military expansion to the east, Ukraine which has disregarded any attempt to peace agreement in 8 years, finally Russia that more than reconstituting the USSR intends to restore the Zarist empire.
In this geopolitical framework, however, as a Communist, I must never tire of advocating a peaceful solution to this as well as other conflicts, because the last ones who will suffer the consequences are always the last one's, both as cannon fodder and for the consequent crises. Economic resulting from the sanctions that will be applied by the parties to the conflict.
Bread and Peace asked Lenin in 1917, I am and I continue to stay there!

Here, i tried to translate Lenin thought about imperialism:

"Imperialist wars, that is, wars for world domination, for the markets of banking capital, for the strangulation of small and weak nationalities, are inevitable in this situation. This is precisely the first great imperialist war of the years 1914-1917. The exceptionally high degree of development of world capitalism in general, the substitution of monopoly capitalism for free competition, the creation by banks and capitalist associations of an apparatus to socially regulate the process of production and distribution of products, the horrors, the calamities, the devastations, the atrocities generated by the imperialist war: all this converts capitalism which has reached its present stage of development in the era of the proletarian socialist revolution.
This era has already begun. Only the socialist proletarian revolution can draw humanity out of the impasse in which imperialism and imperialist wars have led it. Whatever the difficulties of the revolution and its eventual temporary defeats, whatever the waves of the counter-revolution, the final victory of the proletariat is inevitable. Therefore, the objective conditions place on the agenda of the epoch in which we live the direct and omnilateral preparation of the proletariat for the revolution and the decisive break with the bourgeois distortions of socialism, which have prevailed in the official social-democratic parties both in the form of the current of the social chauvinism (that is, of socialism in words and chauvinism in deeds), which, through the slogan of "defense of the fatherland", hides the defense of the interests of capitalists in imperialist wars, as well as in the form of the current of the "center" (that is of the powerless and unprincipled oscillation between social-chauvinism and the internationalist revolutionary proletarian struggle):
conquest of political power for the realization of the economic and political measures which constitute the very substance of the socialist revolution. "