Tea with Titans, Filthy McNasty

Day 4,129, 15:31 Published in Israel Ireland by Violence Seth

Well hello there, Sethesin here. Welcome to Tea with Titans, an occasional feature here on the Skald, where I endeavor to interview the movers, the shakers, the warlords and money makers right here on eRepublik!

In this third issue of Tea with Titans I'm very pleased to welcome a Party Member of Prosperity and Progress, Soldier of eIDF - Sayeret Matkal, Press Director of the The Nasty Truth, 12 time CP and what I think we can all agree on, an effective Dictator looking at that medal count. His name rhymes with nothing. It's none other than the one, the only..

So without futher ado, here's the interview

The Skal😛 Why do you play eRepublik?

F. McNasty: I play eRepublik out of habit these days. Just part of my daily routine. Plus I have made some amazing friends in this game!

The Skal😛 Paying real cash for eCash to get ahead in a browser game, what's your take?

F. McNasty: Suckers 🙂

The Skal😛 eIsrael, your home for nearly a decade. What do you think of today's eIsrael?

F. McNasty: Todays eIsrael is nothing compared to what it was years ago. Then again this is the same for all of eRepublik. I think things look good for eIsrael at the moment personally.

The Skal😛 Orion. The good, the bad and the alliance's relevance today going forward?

F. McNasty: They are loyal friends. The bad? I want real war! I think the alliance is mainly good for assistance in TWs. Other than that I think everyone just wants to be left alone to their TWs I doubt if a country wanted real war that the other countries would want to support that.

The Skal😛 Having seen many players come and go over the years, I'm sure you've made a lot of friends, foes and frenemies. Which O.G (old-guard) players (that are still active) do you find most interesting?

F. McNasty: John TG

The Skal😛 A lot of O.G players are "rebooting" (Creating new profiles w/ expert know how). Some are quite obvious, some less so. Your thoughts?

F. McNasty: I think this is fine as long as they are not doing multis. Which alot are unfortunately.

The Skal😛 Training Wars, simply going through the motions or sharpening eIsraels M.U's for a real conflict?

F. McNasty: We are just sharpening our skills. Current leadership does not want anything I don't think. Same for Orion as far as I know.

The Skal😛 New players, how do we keep them playing?

F. McNasty: Good question! Keeping new players active in a game that is pay to advance game that does not offer anything new is quite a challenge. If you find out the answer to that please let me in on the secret.

The Skal😛 eIsrael on the world stage. If you where at the helm of the good ship, Land of Milk and Honey what would you do to improve your home eNation?

F. McNasty: I would bring back transparency and also try to make things a little more fun and interesting 🙂

The Skal😛 What'd you want at the bar?

F. McNasty: Bud Lite for me. I'm getting too old for the liquor business 🙂

Another Tea with Titans, another look into the grizzly brains of the best and brightest in this little horror-show we call eRepublik! I'd like to thank Mr. Filthy McNasty for his patience and honesty. It was truly illuminating and yeah, I think it was a class interview. So, yeah..

Thank you for reading!