Slow News Day in America

Day 4,805, 21:11 Published in Canada Canada by Thedillpickl

Hi kids!

I started doing "Slow News Day" articles because I was bored.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Shown peaceful protests, various cities around the US earlier this year.

Violent mobs storm US Capitol building.
Look at all them fires! Scary shit man!

Oh the destruction! Oh the mayhem! Our national treasures vandalized!

Still bored.

Here's the link:

Da! Tovarishchu Baydenu nuzhna nasha pomoshch.
Yes! Comrade Biden needs our help.

Well then!
15,000 troops to guard the inauguration has piqued my intrest.

On To The Music

Here's the link:

Here's the link:

And here's something X-TREE special...

This last vid is done by a local boy.
Believe it or not folks, Camdenton Missouri is where I grew up and live.

Here's the link:

The opening and closing shots are actually old South Hwy 5 & 7, not "west of Camdenton". The shot high on the ridge is overlooking Tunnel Dam Lake, not Lake of the Ozarks which is much larger. Cool looking at the drone vid. We used to have rip assed parties there. You could see the cops coming for 10 minutes. lol I know exactly where every one of those places are.

A Plug For Our Football Team

While Camdenton has many different sports programs, football is king here. Missouri Sports Hall of Fame Inductee 2016