Prime Minister(CP)-Prince

Day 1,257, 08:43 Published in Canada USA by Prince A.Joseph

Presidency is no doubt one of the hardest roles to fill with a term that is only 1 month long, which is hardly enough to achieve all that is proposed in a CP race platform, especially for a country requiring a large amount of organizing, and re-structuring, and most importantly, stability. Since so much needs to be packed into such a short amount of time, I would guess many people are wondering what I’ll do if Voted President of eCanada.

Let me go through my plans section by section, each discussing a particular category:

1) Decisions

Decisions will not be made only by me, but by everyone in my Cabinet. All my Cabinet members will have input on many of my policies. As we all know, a President cannot do all this coordinating by himself. I plan to take note of their opinion about national matters to make sure that I get all opinions from my Cabinet, so that my course of action is based on the most informed and best decisions for this country.

2) Build on Earlier Successes
Jacobi has done a great job as Prime Minister.
I want to keep the momentum going with the things that Jacobi has started.

3) Economy
My focus is not on taxes, because this is not my job, but rather that of the congressmen.
But as President, my job is to secure more resources for eCanada. Jacobi was able to secure Oil and Grain last term. Therefore, I will do my best to continue this momentum by securing rubber and saltpeter this term.

4) Foreign Affairs

Our goal as country should be to find a proper balance in our foreign relations while building new relationships with other countries. We will also continue supporting our allies whenever we can.

5) Military

I understand the need for wars, so I will make sure Canada has regular training wars. If we don't have NE (Natural Enemy), Canada runs the risk of falling behind in the strength and rank of its soldiers. If some of you aren’t familiar with the benefits of having a Natural Enemy, it provides a +0.5 strength boost per day to training, plus the war helps boost the economy and provides added chances to increase rank and experience points.

The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say "I." And that's not because they have trained themselves not to say "I." They don't think "I." They think "we"; they think "team." They understand their job to be to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don't sidestep it, but "we" gets the credit. This is what creates trust, what enables you to get the task done.

- Peter F. Drucker

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Prince A.Joseph
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