PLATO and admins Nastavak

Day 5,148, 03:11 Published in Croatia Austria by Ludi Deda
Repeated article.

Unfortunately, on Christmas Eve, I am writing an addition to the original article, because this no longer makes sense to me.
As you may have read in the first article, I duly paid for the mawerick package that I have not received to date. This is not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is that I did not receive an answer to my writing to the admins, except for the robot that you can see below in the article, as well as other proofs of payment.
I am republishing the article with the addition in the hope that this time Plato, one of the admins who are not doing their job or the owner of this game will be honored to respond to my complaint sent to the official mail after quite some time.
The message for the above is.
I do not expect a refund. I expect you to activate my paid mawerick package right now. I expect an apology as an addition. I expect in the future a little more honesty on your part not only towards me but also other people to whom you do not respond for months, and if you permanently exclude me it says it all about you.

Ponovljeni članak

Nažalost na Badnjak pišem dodatak originalnom članku, jer mi ovo više nema smisla.
Kao što ste mogli pročitati u prvom članku, uredno sam platio mawerick paket koji nisam do danas dobio. Nije to največi problem. Največi problem je što na moje pisanje adminima nisam dobio odgovor osim onaj robot koji možete vidjeti dolje u članku kao i ostale dokaze o uplati.
Ponovo objavljujem članak uz dodatak u nadi da će se ovaj puta Plato, netko od admina koji ne obavljaju svoj posao ili govnar (owner) ove igre udostojiti odgovoriti na moju pritužbu upučenu na službeni mail nakon poprilično vremena.
Poruka za gore navedene glasi.

Ne očekujem povratak uplačenog novca. Očekujem da mi aktivirate plačeni mawerick paket odmah i sada. Očekujem kao dodatak neki poklon u znak isprike. Očekujem u budučnosti malo više poštenja sa vaše strane ne samo prema meni nego i ostalim ljudima kojima ne odgovarate mjesecima, a ukoliko me permanentno isključite to govori sve o vama.


PLATO and admins


