March 2012 Election Results

Day 1,588, 06:55 Published in Canada Canada by Connor MacLeod

I'd like to thank those of you who felt I was worthy of a second term in congress. I feel that we're in for some positive change this month and I'm excited to be part of it. Please feel free to contact me about any issue you feel is either not being represented, or if you wish to discuss current issues facing eCanada.

Now...some early analysis.

While EPIC had a wide lead in votes, they could not transfer that into a majority of seats. In fact, their seat count went down as a percentage. The Crimson Order (TCO) had a similar issue turning votes into seats. The benefactors of this were Norsefire - Wolfpac and The Military Dictatorship Party (MDP).

Again, I'd like to thank everyone for being involved in your eCommunity. This is your way to help shape eCanada. The in-game mechanics may rule the end of the day, but check out The eCanada Forums if you want something to be involved in while you're waiting for your health to restore . That's where you can see your newly elected congress at work.

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