Liga saveznika [HR] | League of Allies [EN]

Day 3,899, 06:48 Published in Croatia North Korea by William Thomas Riker
Ovdje možeš naći pravila natjecanja,
provjeriti osobni napredak u rješavanju
dnevnih misija, te poredak na ljestvici
u odnosu na druge igrače.
Here you can find a recap of event
rules, check your personal progress
in solving daily missions, and your
rank among other players.


1. Uvod
2. Julije Cezar
3. Karlo Veliki
4. Simon Bolivar
5. Saladin
6. Montgomery
7. Učinci u igri

1. Introduction
2. Julius Caesar
3. Charlemagne
4. Simon Bolivar
5. Saladin
6. Montgomery
7. Effects in the game


Turnir je isti kao i prošle godine. Počinje u srijedu, na 3900. dan i traje 5 dana. Igrači su podijeljeni u 5 liga s obzirom na razinu vojnu aktivnosti kroz prošli mjesec. Iako točni pragovi za pojedinu ligu nisu poznati, sa sigurnošću mogu reći da je svatko tko ima osnovne pakete (MP, BP, PP) zapao u najjaču, čak i bez potrošnje čoksi. Svaka liga je dobila prema jednom od najpoznatijih i najuspješnijih vojskovođa kroz poznatu svjetsku povijest, i svaka daje različite nagrade, uključujući i odličja za uspješno završen turnir.

The event is the same one as last year. It starts on Wednesday, day 3900, and lasts for 5 days. Players are divided into 5 leagues, considering their battle activity during the last month. Although exact threshold values are unknown, it is certain that all those with basic packs (BP, MP, PP) fell into the strongest league., even without using energy bars. Each league got its name after one of the most famous and successful generals known in world history and each gives different rewards, including decorations for successfully finishing the event.

Vaš zadatak je boriti se za saveznike s kojima imamo MPP, uključujući i njihove ratove otpora. Ovisno o ligi kojoj pripadate, morate potrošiti određenu količinu energije kako biste osvojili 1 bod. Svaka liga ima svoje pragove za dnevne nagrade (zlato i mrkve) i svoju ljestvicu 100 igrača s najviše bodova, koji će dobiti dodatne nagrade. Dnevne nagrade trebaju biti preuzete do kraja dana.
Your mission is to fight for allies with whom you have MPP, including their Resistance Wars. Depending on the league you belong to, you have to spend a certain amount of energy to win 1 point. Every league has its own daily reward tresholds and a leaderboard with top 100 players by collected points, and they will receive additional prizes. Daily rewards ought to be claimed by the end of the day.

Prikladne bitke će vam biti označene rukovanjem, a zeleni krug rukovanja na sredini bojišta vam govori jeste li potrošili dovoljno energije za cijeli bod. Zapamtite, ako potrošite samo dio potrebne energije za 1 bod, kada runda završi, ta energija se ne prenosi u sljedeću, već je izgubljena. Zato je najbolje namjestiti kraj kruga s bazukama.
Suitable battles are marked with a handshake icon, and green circle around the handshake icon in a battle indicates how much energy you need to spend for a full point. Be advise😛 energy used for partial points is not transferable to the next round, so try to finish the circle for that point with bazooka hits.


U ligi, nazvanoj prema najslavnijem rimskom diktatoru koji je osvojio Galiju, nalaze se vojno najmanje aktivni igrači. Bod se dobije za svakih 50 energije utrošenih u istoj rundi za saveznika. Dnevno mogu zaraditi najviše 10 zlata s minimalnom regeneracijom energije od 10/6min, po sljedećim pragovima:
- 8 bodova (400 energije) za 1 zlato + 5 mrkvi,
- 16 bodova (800 energije) za 2 zlata + 10 mrkvi,
- 32 boda (1600 energije) za 3 zlata + 15 mrkvi,
- 48 bodova (2400 energije) za 4 zlata + 20 mrkvi.

Svaki dvokliker može ispuniti ove uvjete. Na to se još dodaju posebne nagrade u zlatu i mrkvama (nisu vidljive, ali je broj mrkvi jednak broju zlata) za 100 igrača lige koji postignu najviše bodova.

Named after the most famous Roman dictator and conqueror of the Gaul, this league contains players who fight the least. A point is won for every 50 energy spent in a round for an ally. Players can win a maximum of 10 gold per day with minimal energy recovery of 10/6min, going over these thresholds:
- 8 points (400 energy) for 1 gold + 5 carrot,
- 16 points (800 energy) for 2 gold + 10 carrots,
- 32 points (1600 energy) for 3 gold + 15 carrots,
- 48 points (2400 energy) for 4 gold + 20 carrots.

Every two-clicker can make these terms. On top of that, there are special gold and carrot (carrots, not shown here, but their number equals that of gold) rewards for top 100 players by points won.


Liga je nazvana prema ranosrednjovjekovnom franačkom caru koji je pokorio zapadnu i srednju Europu. Bod se dobije za svakih 100 energije utrošenih u istoj rundi za saveznika. Dnevno mogu zaraditi najviše 15 zlata s minimalnom regeneracijom energije od 15/6min, po sljedećim pragovima:
- 6 bodova (600 energije) za 1 zlato + 5 mrkvi,
- 12 bodova (1200 energije) za 2 zlata + 10 mrkvi,
- 24 boda (2400 energije) za 4 zlata + 15 mrkvi,
- 36 bodova (3600 energije) za 8 zlata + 20 mrkvi.

Svaki dvokliker može ispuniti ove uvjete. Na to se još dodaju posebne nagrade u zlatu i mrkvama (nisu vidljive, ali je broj mrkvi jednak broju zlata) za 100 igrača lige koji postignu najviše bodova.

The league is named after the Holy Roman Emperor the early Middle Ages, which conquered western and central Europe. A point is won for every 100 energy spent in a round for an ally. Players can win a maximum of 15 gold per day with minimal energy recovery of 15/6min, going over these thresholds:
- 6 points (600 energy) for 1 gold + 5 carrot,
- 12 points (1200 energy) for 2 gold + 10 carrots,
- 24 points (2400 energy) for 4 gold + 15 carrots,
- 36 points (3600 energy) for 8 gold + 20 carrots.

Every two-clicker can make these terms. On top of that, there are special gold and carrot (carrots, not shown here, but their number equals that of gold) rewards for top 100 players by points won.


Liga je nazvana prema osloboditelju Južne Amerike od španjolske kolonijalne vlasti. Bod se dobije za svakih 200 energije utrošenih u istoj rundi za saveznika. Dnevno mogu zaraditi najviše 24 zlata s minimalnom regeneracijom energije od 20/6min, po sljedećim pragovima:
- 4 bodova (800 energije) za 2 zlato + 5 mrkvi,
- 8 bodova (1600 energije) za 4 zlata + 10 mrkvi,
- 16 boda (3200 energije) za 6 zlata + 15 mrkvi,
- 24 bodova (4800 energije) za 12 zlata + 20 mrkvi.

Na to se još dodaju posebne nagrade u zlatu i mrkvama (nisu vidljive, ali je broj mrkvi jednak broju zlata) za 100 igrača lige koji postignu najviše bodova.

The league is named after the liberator of South America from Spanish colonial rule. A point is won for every 200 energy spent in a round for an ally. Players can win a maximum of 24 gold per day with minimal energy recovery of 20/6min, going over these thresholds:
- 4 points (800 energy) for 2 gold + 5 carrots,
- 8 points (1600 energy) for 4 gold + 10 carrots,
- 16 points (3200 energy) for 6 gold + 15 carrots,
- 24 points (4800 energy) for 12 gold + 20 carrots.

On top of that, there are special gold and carrot (carrots, not shown here, but their number equals that of gold) rewards for top 100 players by points won.


Liga je nazvana prema srednjovjekovnom bliskoistočnom sultanu koji je osvojio Jeruzalem u križarskim ratovima. Bod se dobije za svakih 400 energije utrošenih u istoj rundi za saveznika. Dnevno mogu zaraditi najviše 40 zlata s minimalnom regeneracijom energije od 40/6min, po sljedećim pragovima:
- 4 bodova (1600 energije) za 4 zlato + 5 mrkvi,
- 8 bodova (2400 energije) za 8 zlata + 10 mrkvi,
- 15 boda (6000 energije) za 12 zlata + 15 mrkvi,
- 24 bodova (9600 energije) za 16 zlata + 20 mrkvi.

Na to se još dodaju posebne nagrade u zlatu i mrkvama (nisu vidljive, ali je broj mrkvi jednak broju zlata) za 100 igrača lige koji postignu najviše bodova.

The league is named after the Middle Eastern sultan from the Middle Ages who recaptured Jerusalem during the Crusades. A point is won for every 400 energy spent in a round for an ally. Players can win a maximum of 40 gold per day with minimal energy recovery of 40/6min, going over these thresholds:
- 4 points (1600 energy) for 4 gold + 5 carrots,
- 8 points (2400 energy) for 8 gold + 10 carrots,
- 15 points (3600 energy) for 12 gold + 15 carrots,
- 24 points (9600 energy) for 16 gold + 20 carrots.

On top of that, there are special gold and carrot (carrots, not shown here, but their number equals that of gold) rewards for top 100 players by points won.


Liga je nazvana prema britanskom feldmaršalu koji se proslavio pobjedama u 2. svjetskom ratu. Bod se dobije za svakih 800 energije utrošenih u istoj rundi za saveznika. Dnevno mogu zaraditi najviše 50 zlata s minimalnom regeneracijom energije od 67/6min, po sljedećim pragovima:
- 4 bodova (3200 energije) za 5 zlato + 5 mrkvi,
- 7 bodova (5600 energije) za 10 zlata + 10 mrkvi,
- 12 boda (9600 energije) za 15 zlata + 15 mrkvi,
- 20 bodova (16000 energije) za 20 zlata + 20 mrkvi.

Svaki paketaš može ispuniti ove uvjete. Na to se još dodaju posebne nagrade u zlatu i mrkvama (nisu vidljive, ali je broj mrkvi jednak broju zlata) za 100 igrača lige koji postignu najviše bodova.

The league is named after the British Field Marshall, who gained fame after achieving numerous victories in WWII.. A point is won for every 800 energy spent in a round for an ally. Players can win a maximum of 50 gold per day with minimal energy recovery of 67/6min, going over these thresholds:
- 4 points (3200 energy) for 5 gold + 5 carrots,
- 7 points (5600 energy) for 10 gold + 10 carrots,
- 12 points (9600 energy) for 15 gold + 15 carrots,
- 20 points (16000 energy) for 20 gold + 20 carrots.

Every pack player can meet the terms. On top of that, there are special gold and carrot (carrots, not shown here, but their number equals that of gold) rewards for top 100 players by points won.


Gledajući prošlogodišnje rezultate, ovaj turnir je odličan za one koji skupljaju dnevne nagrade, ponajviše dvoklikere i zračne borce koji dnevne misije mogu kombinirati s FF i SH medaljama. Borba za mjesto na listi top 100 u većini liga donosi samo gubitak novca i čoksi, čak i ako upadnete na listu. Te dodatne nagrada će pokupiti tenkovi koji za borbu uvijek koriste RL novac, i to tek da iztenkaju malo više, a nipošto da uštede. I to je sve. Na primjer, za upad na posljednje mjesto na listi top 100 u Montgomeryjevoj ligi, prošle godine je bilo potrebno oko 300 bodova. Prosječni paketaš koji ne troši čokse i tjedno dosegne oko 20k pp-a će jedva skupiti oko 150, i to možda, a najverojatnije neće ni to. U najnižim ligama je jedva malo bolje, gdje je možda i moguće upasti na listu top 100 bez bacanja novca i čoksi. Također, oni koji su se manje borili prošli mjesec i sada su dodijeljeni nižoj ligi bi mogli požeti dobre nagrade ako su ovaj mjesec nabavili pakete i povećali aktivnost.

Prošlogodišnji turnir je trajao od 3583. do 3587. dana, što znači da je ove godine uranio 48 dana. Morate priznati kako je to čudno. Nisam plačljivac koji pokazuje prstom na admine i krivi ih za pomoć Rumunjskoj, ali morate priznat da je glupo prekinuti prvi pravi rat nakon brisanja Amerike. Ne bi li bilo smislenije da su nas pustili da se mi prvo pobijemo, a onda ubaciti turnir po rasporedu, kad nema ničeg, umjesto što se sve zanimljivo nagurava u isti tjedan, a onda ćemo umirati od dosade ostatak godine? Sve se to dogodilo taman kad je Hrvatska najavila pohod na rumunjske farme u Kini. Naš napad jest opozvan na kraju, zbog zračnih napada Pacifice, ali je Platon dotad već pustio pripreme za turnir u pogon. Hrvatska i saveznici vjerojatno ne mogu poraziti Asteriju, ali sigurno mogu pomesti pod Pacificom i raniti Asteriju. Ne mogu životom tvrditi da nas admini namjerno sprječavaju kako bi zaštitili Asteriju, ali samo budala može odbaciti tu mogućnost.

Ne znam je li ovaj turnir namjerno dizajniran kako bi potrošio zalihe novca i isprazni skladišta, ali je jasno da najviše koristi Asteriji. Razmislite: sve što su Pacifica i anti-Asteria farmali proteklih mjeseci, sve će to nestati u tjedan dana. Valuta, hrana, oružje, pojačivači, čokse... Morat ćemo opet farmati mjesecima kako bismo uopće imali ikakve šanse ugroziti Asteriju.

Considering last year’s results, this event is great mostly for two-clickers and air tanks, who could combine their FFs and SHs with daily missions. In most leagues, fighting for the top 100, even the last place, will make you lose money and bars, even if you get on the list. Those extra rewards will be taken by fighters who always tank and use RL money, and rewards will enable them to tank a little bit more, that’s all. Nobody is going to save anything. For example, to enter Montgomery’s top 100, last year one needed around 300 points. A player with packs, who rarely uses bars and makes around 20k pp weekly, will barely earn 150 points, tops. It is only a little better in the lower leagues, where fighters who don’t waste energy might enter top 100 without wasting money and bars. Also, players who barely fought last month, and were therefore assigned to lower leagues, might reap the benefits of the top 100 if they have acquired packs and increased activity this month.

Last year’s event took place between days 3583 and 3587, meaning the event this year is 48 days early. It is strange, really. Now, I’m not gonna be a Cryat and say admins did this to help Romania, but you have to admit it is kinda dumb to interrupt a first big real war after the wipe of the USA. Wouldn’t it be more logical to let us have our war first, and then throw in an event as scheduled when there is nothing going on, instead of cramming interesting stuff in the same week, and then dying of boredom for the rest of the year? And all that happened just as Croatia announced to go after Romanian farm, China. Sure, that attack got called off because of Pacifica AS’s, but Plato already put the preparation of event in motion. Croatia and allies probably can’t defeat Asteria, but could for sure wipe the floor with Pacifica, and then wound Asteria, maybe even mortally. I can’t say admins would want to prevent that for sure, but is it a strong possibility? Most definitely!

I don’t know if LoA event is specifically designed to deplete all of the money and items in the game, but I know it benefits Asteria the most. Just think about it: everything anti-Asteria and Pacifica stocked over the months will all be gone this week. Currency, food, weapons, energy bars, boosters... We are going to have to farm again for months to have any real chance of jeopardizing Asteria.