If you can't beat the system, you sure as hell can break it!

Day 2,542, 05:35 Published in Croatia North Korea by William Thomas Riker
Let's talk some more about the Epic Fail tournament. Somebody (I was too lazy to look it up) analysed the possibility of a battle becoming epic as soon as Plato announced the event. The conclusion was there wasn't nearly enough of us in any division at a given time to make a battle epic (based on average amount of people online and damage they make).
Chile-Serbia war was a pure luck, not an organized effort. There was simply so much money put in CO since the battle was a big issue, and it ended up as epic. Since it was the only epic war, people just hurled in. But even so, we lost a couple of days.

Training war. Remember that? There was a time when battle weren't popping out like Enterprises in "Parallels". They were so sporadic we sometimes had no battle to fight in, and had to have make-believe battles to raise our ranks.

Have you ever heard of the Olympic Truce? Ancient Greeks had wars just like ours, they were frequent. But during the tournament, all hostilities would cease.

Why couldn't we do the same when another tournament happens with additional prestige points in epic battles? We could pause all wars and make a huge training war. CO would be active only until the battle becomes active, in order to motivate people o hit hard enough to make it epic. Later on, their reward would be extra prestige points. Or make another system, I don't care.

The result should be a training war in which battles in all divisions should become epic asap, lasting during the entire event. If it would be a training war, players would receive instruction to fight alternately for both sides, so one of them wouldn't loose half of their regions (the two countries would simply swap the region agreed upon in each campaign). If it would be a regular war, then the two sides would hit as if it were a normal fight, and the international community would agree on which real war to choose. Either way, we should get it done.
But what do I know, I'm a dinosaur here...

Live long and prosper!