Day 5,160, 10:10 Published in Austria Austria by Ludi Deda


U ove siječanjske dane kada je sve usporeno a radi zdravlja radim smanjenim tempom odlučio sam napisati članak o zlatu u kompjutorima

Zlata (pozlate) nema u svim dijelovima PC i ima ga u vrlo malim količinama.

Matična ploča

Na matičnu ploču se „uštekavaju“ svi dijelovi PC putem pinova. Određen broj tih pinova je pozlačen.

Također na matičnoj ploči se nalaze i razne kartice (grafička....) koje na sebi imaju pozlatu na takozvanim „fingerima“

Zlata ima i na nevidljivim mjestima, pa tako profesionalc koji se bave „skidanjem zlata“ skidaju zlati i sa čipova. Taj proces je puno kompliciraniji od ostalih jer se čipovi prvo samelju, pa se tretiraju sumpornom kiselinom koja je prilično opasna za rukovanje, pa tek onda standardni proces za „skidanje zlata“
Največa količina zlata se nalazi na procesoru u odnosu na njegovu veličinu. Svaki pin je pozlačen.

Večina ljudi skida zlato AC metodom (acid peroxyde) dok u Hr rijetko tko koristi „carsku vodicu“ili „zlatotopku“ jer je teže nabaviti kiseline.
Od samo jednog PC se ne isplati proces, jer same kiselin, potreban pribor, plamenik, posuda za taljenje su preskupi da bi se kupovali za male količine, pa u raznim oglasnicima, na ebay i sličnim stranicama možete kupiti posebno „fingere“ posebno pinove .....
Točka tališta zlata je oko 1100 stupnjeva celzijusa.
Uz male količine zlata u PC ima i bakra u transformatorima, kablovima i zavojnicama. Aluminija u hladnjacima i kondenzatorima... a magnetska ploča hard diska je večinom staklena sa tankim slojem srebra

NAPOMENA: zlato izvađeno iz elektronskih uređaja je gotovo najviše kvalitete 24 karatno zlato



In these January days when everything is slow and for health reasons I am working at a reduced pace, I decided to write an article about gold in computers

There is no gold (gilding) in all parts of the PC and it is available in very small quantities.


All parts of the PC are "plugged" into the motherboard via pins. A number of these pins are gilded.

gold dissolved by AP method

Also on the motherboard are various cards (graphics ....) that have gilding on the so-called "fingers"

There is also gold in invisible places, so professionals who deal with "removing gold" also remove gold from chips. This process is much more complicated than the others because the chips are first ground, then treated with sulfuric acid, which is quite dangerous to handle, and only then the standard process for "removing gold"
The largest amount of gold is on the processor in relation to its size. Each pin is gilded.

Most people remove gold by the AC peroxide method, while in Croatia few people use "imperial water" or "gold peroxide" because it is harder to get acids.
From just one PC, the process is not worth it, because the acids, necessary accessories, burner, melting vessel are too expensive to buy for small quantities, so in various classifieds, ebay and similar sites you can buy special "fingers" especially pins. ....
The melting point of gold is about 1100 degrees Celsius.
In addition to small amounts of gold in the PC, there is also copper in transformers, cables and coils. Aluminum in coolers and condensers ... and the hard disk magnetic plate is mostly glass with a thin layer of silver

NOTE: gold extracted from electronic devices is almost the highest quality 24 carat gold

Happy new year to all from Crazy Grandpa