Globalism: Plans and Propagation

Day 2,428, 13:11 Published in Belgium Ireland by King Trito Fisher

This is the second article in my series about changing this game. We can't expect Plato to work for us. NO! We have to force it. Unification is the way to reform and it is what we MUST accomplish.

An important question to consider is how we will unify. My original idea was to separate the Earth of eRepublik into 5 areas, and then have one area conquer the others. This will satisfy the need to fight by allowing RWs to be fought, but swiftly won. The 5 countries that should logically be chosen for the 5 areas of Earth are the largest in each area. What do I mean by area?:

North America: USA
Middle East, Indian subcontinent, and Africa: Turkey
Europe: Either Poland or Serbia
Asia: China
South America: Either Chile or Argentina

The easiest areas to unify would be North America, Africa, ME, and India, and Asia. These would be first.

I Would like to point out that the most important media of distributing this information is through the ingame media. I will give a link to a google doc where you just have to copy and paste the text used to make this article. In this way we can spread and propagate these ideas.:
Also, I am creating a list of self-proclaimed GLOBALISTS:

Trito Fisher
Texas Cowboy X

If you would like your name added, please comment below.
As always, if you have any questions, please ask me.
By: Trito Fisher