Day 3,504, 21:21 Published in Chile Chile by sakuraiza

Hoy quise desempolvar los microfonos y entrevistar a un jugador reconocido en batalla y que no muchos tienen el agrado de conocer


KA ZETRO que piensas de los logros que a logrado tu UM ?

R,- La verdad es que salio desde la nada ,ya que no me pescaron mucho como propuesta país y dije que mierda ,lo hago yo.

Te preocupa que otras UM empiezen a trabajar igual que tu e incluso logren sobrepasar tus logros obtenidos acá ?

R,-Para nada ,eso es lo mejor ,mientras mas jugadores entiendan que volviendo a activar sus cuentas y sus UM ,mas fácil se nos hará todo ,ojala los comandantes armen planes y si necesitan algún tipo de ayuda ,pueden contar con nosotros

Muchos no notaron que tu no estuviste ,ya que tu cuenta siempre se ha mantenido activa ,porque te habías ido ?

R,- Si bueno ,pero no es primera vez ...la RL a veces te hace salir de juego,pero siempre queda a cargo de algún jugador activo de eChile DAGUE (ahora off) ,K A K U P A K A T o Admiral M.

Como anécdota fui CP mientras estaba siendo trasplantado xD! ,resumiendo la mayoria de las veces fue por motivos de salud.

Que piensas de estar peleando contra MKD y Bulgaria ex-aliados de eChile ?

R,- NO peleamos contra MKD y Bulgaria ,de hecho aun tengo varios amigos ,pero lamentablemente algunos no entienden que el tomar caminos distintos obedece mas bien a que nuestros enemigos son sus amigos y viceversa.

Pero varios países nos llaman de traidores ,porque ?

R.- Buenos el que sean varios obedece a que son muchos los países de Asteria y Pro Asteria ,pero dime tu ...encuentras ser traidor el echo de que nuestro enemigo sea Serbia y a pesar de estar en un bando donde pocos tienen los huevos para ser el enemigo de esta potencia del juego ?

De haber seguido a MKD y Bulgaria ,ahí si hubiéramos traicionado nuestros principios y si ahora luchamos contra ,es efecto causa de los MPP ,para nuestra gente los MPP se respetan y se lucha por ellos ,ojala también lo hagan por nosotros.

Ya que tocas ese punto ,he visto muchos shout ,diciendo que no pegan en nuestras batallas o que no tenemos el mismo apoyo que damos nosotros

Que opinas de eso ?

R,- Eso obedece a nuestra propia organización y poca comunicación con los aliados ,no esperemos ayuda ,si no informamos .El no ser prioridad es una idea que ha salido principalmente de eChile,yo mismo me he perdido grandes batallas

Que te parece el pacto firmado recientemente ?

R,- Si bien me parece que es una buena idea ,no es el momento y respetar zonas de influencia cuando ni siquiera tenemos originarias me parece un mal chiste.
yo no tengo nada contra Perú o Colombia ,es mas uno de nuestros reclutas de UM es colombiano y gran aliado nuestro,pero como no soy gobierno no opino mas allá.

Si eChile finalmente se libera ,irías a la guerra contra ePeru ?

R,- La verdad ,no me motiva de hecho te puedo asegurar que en las guerras que ha tenido eChile vs ePeru ,poco o nada he participado ,salvo una batalla que estaba Admiral tanqueando duro,pero fue mas en apoyo a el que contra el rival.

Pero ePeru siempre nos ha estado molestando con COs y tanqueando duro en contra ,entonces ?

R,- Si es cierto ,pero eso viene de un par de jugadores no de su totalidad
parecido a lo que hizo Herr en su momento contra ellos ,nada que criticar al respecto ...es su juego.

Bueno podría preguntarte miles de cosas ,pero debido al tiempo quisieras decir algunas palabras a nuestra ecomunidad?

R.-Bien se que muchos reclaman las decisiones que a tomado eChile lo cual es cierto ,eChile no ha sabido políticamente mantener lazos y constantemente piensa mas en venganza que dialogo ,pero le pido a todos esos que shoutean ,pegan en contra o no pegan ,que armen un plan de gobierno ,tomen el poder y realicen los cambios desde la plataforma política ya que ahí estaremos apoyándolos como de costumbre ,pero no vengan a criticar a los que a lo mejor pésimamente lo han hecho ,pero lo han intentado.

yo he estado mas de una vez en contra de gobiernos de turno ,pero ahí me ven de igual forma apoyando en batalla

Si eChile esta como esta TU eres el mayor culpable por no hacer nada por cambiarlo.

Gracias por tu tiempo Comandante KA

P😨 No se olviden de endosar

Today I wanted to dust the microphones and interview a player recognized in battle and not many have the pleasure to know


KA ZETRO what do you think of the achievements that your UM achieved?

R, - The truth is that it came out of nowhere, since I did not fish much as a proposed country and I said shit, I do it.

Are you worried that other UMs start to work just like you and even manage to exceed your achievements here?

R, - That's the best thing, as long as more players understand that by reactivating their accounts and their UMs, the easier it will be for us, the more the commanders will build plans and if they need any help, they can count on us

Many did not notice that you were not, since your account has always been active, because you were gone?

R, - Good, but not the first time ... the RL sometimes makes you quit, but it is always in charge of some active player of eChile DAGUE (now off), KA K U P A K A T or Admiral M.

As an anecdote I was CP while being transplanted xD! , Summarizing most of the time was for health reasons.

What do you think of fighting against MKD and Bulgaria ex-allies of eChile?

R, - We DO NOT fight against MKD and Bulgaria, in fact I still have several friends, but unfortunately some do not understand that taking different paths is more due to our enemies being their friends and vice versa.

But several countries call us traitors, why?

A.- Well, many of them are due to the fact that there are many Asteria and Pro Asteria countries, but you tell me ... you find yourself a traitor, because our enemy is Serbia and despite being on a side where few have eggs To be the enemy of this power of the game?

If we followed MKD and Bulgaria, then if we had betrayed our principles and if we now fight against it, it is the cause of the MPP, for our people the MPP are respected and fought for them, hopefully also for us.

Since you touch that point, I have seen many shout, saying that they do not stick in our battles or that we do not have the same support that we give

What do you think of that?

R - That is due to our own organization and little communication with the allies, do not expect help, if we do not inform. Not being a priority is an idea that has come mainly from eChile, I myself have lost big battles

What do you think of the recently signed pact?

R, - While it seems to me that it is a good idea, it is not the time and respect zones of influence when we do not even have origins seems to me a bad joke.
I have nothing against Peru or Colombia, but one of our recruits of UM is Colombian and our great ally, but since I am not a government I do not think beyond.

If eChile is finally released, would you go to war against ePeru?

R, - The truth, it does not motivate me in fact I can assure you that in the wars that has had eChile vs ePeru, little or nothing I participated, except a battle that Admiral was tanking hard, but was more in support to that than against rival.

But ePeru has always been bothering us with COs and tanking hard against it, then?

R, - If true, but that comes from a couple of players not all
Similar to what Herr did at the time against them, nothing to criticize about it ... is his game.

Well I could ask you a thousand things, but because of the time you want to say a few words to our community?

A.- Well, I know that many claim the decisions that have been taken eChile which is true, eChile has not known how to politically maintain ties and constantly think more revenge than dialogue, but I ask all those who shoutean, beat against or do not stick , To armen a plan of government, to take the power and to make the changes from the political platform since there we will be supporting them as usual, but do not come to criticize those that maybe they have done badly, but they have tried.

I have been more than once against governments on duty, but there they see me in the same way supporting in battle

If eChile is like this you are the biggest culprit for not doing anything to change it.

Thank you for your time, Commander KA.

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